2010/9/3 <hse...@gmail.com>

> Kalau memang bener begitu, mesthinya airnya bukan yang masuk lewat kepundan
> "saja", bisa lewat faults, cracks, dll. Body gn. Api itu, apalagi yang sdh
> tdk aktif, merupakan reservoir air yang sangat bagus! Phreatic Eruption itu
> memang ada di dunia ini. Tapi apakah Sinabung karena ini? Wallahualam!
> Habash
> Sent via BlackBerry from Maxis

Masih dari website yang sama ...
Dugaan Mas Habash ternyaat valid ... ada vent lewat samping disini,
gambarnya cukup meyakinkan. Yang terlihat bukan tempat masuknya air tapi
tempat keluarnya letusan :
Sinabung and Etna updates for

Category: Ash fall <http://scienceblogs.com/eruptions/ash-fall/> •
Etna <http://scienceblogs.com/eruptions/etna/> • Explosive
Indonesia <http://scienceblogs.com/eruptions/indonesia/> •
Sinabung <http://scienceblogs.com/eruptions/sinabung/> • Volcanic
hazards<http://scienceblogs.com/eruptions/volcanic_hazards/>• Volcano
monitoring <http://scienceblogs.com/eruptions/volcano_monitoring/> • ash
plumes <http://scienceblogs.com/eruptions/ash_plumes/> •
webcam <http://scienceblogs.com/eruptions/webcam/>
Posted on: August 30, 2010 8:20 AM, by Erik

Classes starting today, so I have to be brief:

[image: Sinabung2.jpg] <http://scienceblogs.com/eruptions/Sinabung2.jpg>
*Unique twin ash plumes from Sinabung in Indonesia, erupting on August 29,

The Indonesian volcano continues to experience
which one last night (well, last night here in Ohio) that prompted an ash
advisory for aircraft up to 6,100 m / 20,000
although most reports I've seen pegged the ash column at closer to 2,000 m /
~6,500 feet. *Eruptions* readers have found a bevy of links for footage and
information about the eruption, including a remarkable image gallery from
the BBC <http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-11126417> that shows
the volcano exhibiting two ash
plumes<http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-11123559>- one
that is vertical, one that is shooting off to one side (see above).
This definitely makes it seem that the vent is partially blocked and these
explosions are helping "clear the throat" of the volcano (NOTE: this does
NOT mean I think something big is going to happen, rather just that it seems
to be the reasonable explanation for the bifurcation of the plume). My hunch
is that even now, very little "new" juvenile magma has been erupted from
Sinabung, but that is pure speculation until there are any analyses of the
ash shard morphology or composition.

There is also some video from Portuguese
of the most recent images from the volcano show a strong, single plume
with some rock avalanches (possible block and ash flows) on the
flanks.Evacuations have increased to over 21,000
near the volcano and some flights have been diverted due to the
taller ash plume. The biggest threat right now is the ash fall from the
explosions and as such, the government is providing face masks and moving
people to sturdier
The current death toll appears to be
*video*), mostly from respiratory-related problems. What comes next might be
a guess for everyone at this point as the Surono, head of the Indonesian
Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation admitted again *"We
don't know what set it off, how long it will continue or whether to expect
pyroclastic flows or more powerful eruptions."*

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