Dalam rangka Hari Jadi Pertambangan dan Energi,

Saya kirimkan artikel yang disusun oleh Maradona Mansyur dengan masukan
dari Pak RP Koesoemadinata. Hal ini diusulkan oleh Indra Djaja Sumbodo. 
Sebenarnya artikel ini dimuat dalam Berita IAGI tapi mungkin banyak
peserta milis IAGI tidak dapat majalah ini karena belum jadi member.


Herman Darman

Arie Frederik Lasut and Soenoe Soemosoesastro (The Beginning of
Geological Education in Indonesia)

Re-edited by Maradona Mansyur after Prof.R.P Koesoemadinata article;
Awal pendidikan Geologi di Indonesia 

Arie Frederik Lasut was born in Kapataran-Minahasa-North Sulawesi on
July 6th 1918 - dies in Pakem on May 7th 1949, already regarded as
Indonesia's national hero because of his involvement in the struggle for
independence and his efforts to advance Indonesia's mining and
geological infrastructure during the nation's beginnings. Arie Lasut was
the eldest son of eight children born to Darius Lasut and Ingkan Supit.
Lasut attended elementary school Hollands Inlandsche School (HIS) in
Tondano. Having always a top rank student in his class, he then given
the opportunity to continue his studies at a teacher's education school
Hollands Inlandsche Kweekschool (HIK) in Ambon. He completed his studies
at HIK Ambon in 1933 as one amongst the selected top student to attend
HIK Bandung for the next stage of teacher education school. After only
one year in Bandung, Lasut made up his mind to not become a teacher and
instead he moved to Jakarta and attends a school equivalent to high
school Algeme (e) ne Middelbare School (AMS). After his graduation from
AMS in 1937, he started his study at medical school or Geneeskundige
Hooge School. This school is now acknowledged as the Department of
Medicine at the University of Indonesia. His lack of sufficient funds
forced him to drop out after just one year studying there. In 1938,
Lasut then started his works at Department of Economic Affairs or
Departement van Ekonomische Zaken.
One year later, Lasut attended Bandung Technical School or Techniche
Hoogeschool Te Bandung which now known as Bandung Institute of
Technology. His study again must be stopped due to education funding
reasons. He then applied and was given a scholarship to become a
geological assistant at the Dutch Mining Service or Dienst van den
Mijnbouw which also organized a course for geology assistant at that
time. The start of World War II was imminent with Japanese forces
pushing toward Indonesia. While at the same moment on technical school
in Bandung, Lasut was trained as a Corps of Rerserve Officer by the
Dutch to aid defense line against the attacking Japanese forces. He
eventually takes his chance to fight against Japanese troops at Ciater
region- West Java. During the Japanese occupation of Indonesia, Lasut
worked at the Japanese Geological Service or Chorisitsu Chosayo in
Bandung as an assistant in the field of geology. Along with R. Soenoe
Soemosoesastro, Lasut was amongst the few Indonesians who were given
such positions in the service by the Japanese.
The other noble man whom later known as Arie Lasut best friend, R.Soenoe
Soemosoesastro was born in Klaten-Central Java on October 5th, 1913-
dies in Bandung on March 2nd, 1956.
Soenoe was born in the middle of a noble Javanese family, during his
childhood Soenoe often get sick and must take a long bed rest at while
he was still at Batu Area-Malang. Soenoe then grew up into a strong and
sharp minded teenager while he attended his junior high school at MULO
or Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs. Caused by lack of education funding
reasons, after completed his study at Algeme (e) ne Middelbare School
(AMS) Soenoe did not continue his study to university. He take his
chance to teach at Taman Siswa before he get an opportunity to continue
his study to become geological assistant at Dienst van den Mijnbouw
where the cross roads unite him with Arie Frederik Lasut   
Herewith the story of Indonesia's Geology Education begins with Arie
Lasut and R. Soenoe Soemosoesastro as the main center of the story.
Unlike the medical education, law school, or even engineering university
which already starts to be developed during early of 20th century, the
Geological and Mining topics have not been an important spot to be touch
by Dutch colonial government in Indonesia at that time. Any Indonesian
student can only achieved their highest education as "mantri opnemer" or
surveyor. Since every demands of bachelor geological engineer, the Dutch
colonial government has the highest preferences to fill the empty slots
by putting their own engineer from Holland or other European University.

The situation slightly changed due to the beginning of World War II in
1938; especially after Nazi invade Holland. Then in order to align the
availability of human resource for mining industry sector in Indonesia
at that time, the Dutch colonial government organized a temporary
geological education school known as "Assistent Geoloog  Cursus" which
equivalent to 3 years Diploma strata where Arie Lasut then achieved his
scholarship. The authorization of this training belongs to Dienst van
het Mijnbouws or Dutch colonial Mining and Geological Service office at
Diponegoro 58th Bandung, The lecture of this course mainly specialist
staffs and expert engineers whom work with Dienst van het Mijnbouws
which include Van Bemmelen. This course attendees were mainly European
people, especially Dutch (from some literature been sentenced that Van
Gorkom and Meinecke also attend this course), but there were two
Indonesian students attended and completed this course, they are; Arie
Frederik lasut and R.Soenoe Soemosoesastro. There was some requirement
which must be fulfilled in order to attend this course such; completing
the HBS (Hogere Burgerschool) for Dutch students or AMS B (Algemeene
Middlebare School), option B/science, for Indonesian students. As we
noticed this course only lasting for one period (three year) caused by
the Japanese invasion over Indonesia, which made Arie Frederik lasut and
R. Soenoe Soemosoesastro as the only Indonesian's whom completed the
course and become the very first Indonesian geologists also pioneers of
Indonesian geological education. Also already mentioned, during the
Japanese occupation, Lasut and Soenoe worked at the Japanese Geological
Service or Chorisitsu Chosayo in Bandung. Along with the other geologist
and engineer from Holland, the Japanese manage to employ the European,
also Indonesian geologists and engineers especially in order to
translate all the geological survey reports into English version. During
this period Van Bemmelen still have an opportunity to supervised Arie's
field work on Ciater's Jarocyte deposit at North Lembang. 

Indonesia declared its independence in August 17, 1945 after Japan
surrendered to Allies troops. The president for newly formed Republic of
Indonesia ordered that all governmental services be taken over from the
Japanese. Lasut , Soenoe Soemosoesastro,  Ali TirtoSoewirdjo and Sjamsoe
M. Bahroem were able to take control of the Geological Service
peacefully in  28th September 1945 and renamed it as Mining and
Geological Service or Poesat  Djawatan Tambang dan Geologi (PDTG). Lasut
and Soenoe Soemosoesastro also secured all of the geological books and
data archive from Dienst van het Mijnbouws on Diponegoro or also known
as Rembrandt Straat Bandung to Braga Street's office on South Bandung,
since the office was sealed by Dutch and England troops from Allies. As
the Dutch returned to Indonesia, the offices of Mining and Geological
Service (PDTG) had been moved several times, from its original
headquarters in Bandung, the offices moved to Tasikmalaya, Magelang, and
finally Yogyakarta along with the retreats movement of Indonesian army
from West Java to Yogyakarta. Together with all the geological data
archive that Lasut and Soenoe manage to secure, except the Van
Bemmelen's "Geology of Indonesia" manuscript which goes along the
journey with other epic story.

During the time when all European people (engineer and including
geologist) taken captive and must be locked in Japanese war prison, Van
Bemmelen gave his manuscripts and also all of his geological book to the
most reliable man whom he can trust so it can be secured, a hoofd mantri
opzichter or equivalent with head of surveyors named Djatikusumo. When
Van Bemmelen been freed from the war prison, he tried to ask Djatikusumo
to give him back his manuscripts, but then Djatikusumo refused and
pointing a reason that he must kept all Bemmelen's book for Indonesia
struggle for independence sake and for the sake of all Indonesian
people. All of the manuscripts along with the geology data then passed
to Mining and Geological Service office in Malang, where it also moved
to Magelang and finally settled in Yogyakarta.

In addition, to manage the mining and geological activities of the new
nation during this unstable period, the service also established schools
on November 1946 for training new Indonesian geologists. This was all
done under the leadership of Lasut as Head of the service and Soenoe as
his vice. These schools are hold by Magelang's Department of Wealth.
They were:
-         Sekolah Geologi Pertambangan  Pertama (SGPP, for Geology
-         Sekolah Geologi Pertambangan  Menengah (SGPM, for Geology
-         Sekolah Geologi Pertambangan Tinggi (SGPT, Assistant Geology)

This Service then moved to Yogyakarta and changed its name into AGP or
Geology and Mine Academy which only lasting for one period from
1946-1949.  Known people amongst the first and also the last graduated
students from AGP are; M.M. Purbohadiwidjo, Djajadi Hadikusumo (One of
IAGI Founding Father), Harli Sumadiredja, R. Prajitno (2nd Chairman of
IAGI), Surjo Ismangun, G.M Mohamad Slamet Padmokesumo, Mohamad Jasin
Rachmat,  Sanjoto Soeseno , and Sumardi Umarkatab 
Beside Arie Lasut's work at the Mining and Geological Service, he was
also active in an organization consisting of Indonesians from Sulawesi
(where he was from) aimed at defending the independence of Indonesia or
Kebaktian Rakyat Indonesia Sulawesi. Lasut was also a member of the
Central Indonesian National Committee or Komite Nasional Indonesia
Pusat, an early manifestation of the legislative branch of the
Indonesian government.
The Dutch had continually sought after Lasut because of his knowledge
and great influence of mining and geology in Indonesia. Caused by his
unwillingness to cooperate with Dutch government, on one quiet morning
of May 7th 1949, while Roem-Roeyen Pact was arranged, Arie Frederik
Lasut was taken captive from his home by the Dutch soldiers to Pakem
(Kaliurang area), 7 kilometers north of Yogyakarta and was slew there,
shot to death. Several months later his body was exhumed and buried at
the Kintelan Christian cemetery in Yogyakarta beside his wife who had
died in December 1947. 
Due to the absence of Arie Lasut, Soenoe Soemosoesastro then taken over
the the Mining and Geological Service (PDGT). During 1953, Soenoe
continue his study at FIPPIA- University of Indonesia at Bandung. The
place where Soenoe was study are now known as Geology department of
Bandung Institute of Technology, where Prof.Dr.Th.H.F.Klompe known as
one of the lectures at that time. Almost completed his study by 2nd of
March 1956, Soenoe Soemosoesastro passed out following his best friend
Arie Lasut caused by his severe kidney problem.
To honor his firm and strong will to preserve the republic, Arie
Frederik Lasut was awarded a national hero status or Pahlawan Pembela
Kemerdekaan on May 20, 1969.
Most of this article material has been re-edited from Prof. R.P.
Koesoemadinata writings "Awal Pendidikan Geologi di Indonesia" on IAGI
mailing list which based on his personal communication with Mr. Mulyono
Purbohadiwidjodjo, February 2011. Additional supplementary information
provided by Mr. Wiwid Witjaksono in his personal blog;
http://www.wiwidwitjaksono.wordpress.com and Mr. Indra Djaja Sumbodo
with his awesome inventory regarding Arie Frederik Lasut and Soenoe
Soemosoesastro which taken from;
sastro.html; and http://www.menadonews.blogspot.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari [mailto:rovi...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 1:05 AM
To: IAGI; Indoenergy
Subject: [iagi-net-l] Re: 28 September Hari Jadi Pertambangan & Energi
(sekarang Energi & Sumber Daya Mineral) yg ke-66.

Maaf semestinya 28 September

2011/9/28 Rovicky Dwi Putrohari <rovi...@gmail.com>:
> Dibawah ni copas tulisan di FB dari Sinung Baskoro (Museum Geologi
> Hari ini adalah Hari Jadi Pertambangan & Energi (sekarang Energi &
> Sumber Daya Mineral) yg ke-66.
> Penetapan Hari Jadi Pertambangan dan Energi didasarkan pada peristiwa
> yang memiliki bobot sejarah yang tinggi dalam lingkup perjuangan
> bangsa secara nasional. Pada tanggal 28 September 1945, Pegawai
> pribumi di kantor Chisitsu Chosasho (Jawatan Geologi) yang sebagian
> besar masih muda, mengambil alih dengan paksa Chisitsu Chosasho serta
> mengubah nama menjadi Poesat Djawatan Tambang dan Geologi. Hal ini
> mencerminkan tekad para pemuda dalam mempertahankan kemerdekaan
> Republik Indonesia.
> Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945
> mengantarkan perubahan yang sangat besar di segala bidang, termasuk
> bidang pertambangan. Setelah disiarkan lewat radio, berita proklamasi
> ditangkap secara luas oleh masyarakat di seluruh Indonesia. Pegawai
> pribumi di kantor Chisitsu Chosasho (Jawatan Geologi) yang sebagian
> besar masih muda, menangkap berita itu dan mereka langsung
> mempersiapkan diri untuk mengambil langkah yang diperlukan.
> Pada tanggal 25 September 1945 dikeluarkan pengumuman dari Pemerintah
> Pusat yang menyatakan bahwa semua pegawai negeri adalah pegawai
> Republik Indonesia dan wajib menjalankan perintah dari Pemerintah
> Republik Indonesia. Dengan mengacu kepada perintah Pemerintah Pusat
> itu, Komite Nasional Indonesia Kota Bandung yang baru terbentuk, pada
> tanggal 27 September 1945 malam mengumumkan lewat radio agar keesokan
> harinya semua kantor dan perusahaan yang ada di Bandung diambil alih
> dari kekuasaan Jepang.
> Pada hari Jumat pukul 11.00 tanggal 28 September 1945, sekelompok
> pegawai muda di kantor Chisitsu Chosasho (Jawatan Geologi) pun
> bertindak; mereka dipelopori oleh Raden Ali Tirtosoewirjo, Bapak A.F.
> Lasut, Bapak R. Soenoe Soemosoesastro dan Bapak Sjamsoe M. Bahroem
> yang mengambil alih dengan paksa kantor Chisitsu Chosasho dari pihak
> Jepang, dan sejak saat itu nama kantor diubah menjadi Poesat Djawatan
> Tambang dan Geologi.
> Dirgahayu Energi & Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) yg ke-66. Smoga potensi
> kekayaan alam di sektor ESDM, dapat dikembangkan & dikelola oleh
> bangsa pribumi sendiri serta dimanfaatkan bagi kemakmuran seluruh
> rakyat Indonesia.
> Amin yaa robbal 'alamiin.
> --
> "Everybody is safety leader, You can stop any unsafe operation !"

"Everybody is safety leader, You can stop any unsafe operation !"

PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
ketua umum: LAMBOK HUTASOIT, lam...@gc.itb.ac.id
sekjen: MOHAMMAD SYAIFUL, mohammadsyai...@gmail.com
* 2 sekretariat (Jkt & Bdg), 5 departemen, banyak biro...
Ayo siapkan diri....!!!!!
Hadirilah Joint Convention Makassar (JCM), HAGI-IAGI, Sulawesi, 26-29
September 2011
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PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
ketua umum: LAMBOK HUTASOIT, lam...@gc.itb.ac.id
sekjen: MOHAMMAD SYAIFUL, mohammadsyai...@gmail.com
* 2 sekretariat (Jkt & Bdg), 5 departemen, banyak biro...
Ayo siapkan diri....!!!!!
Hadirilah Joint Convention Makassar (JCM), HAGI-IAGI, Sulawesi, 26-29
September 2011
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