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-----Original Message-----
From: "Yustinus Suyatno Yuwono" <yuw...@gc.itb.ac.id>
Date: Tue, 3 Jul 2012 12:04:30 
To: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
Reply-To: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id>
Subject: RE: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?
He… geodukun lagi?????



From: abacht...@cbn.net.id [mailto:abacht...@cbn.net.id] 
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 7:48 PM
To: iagi-net@iagi.or.id
Subject: Re: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Gunung Rinjani, Vick.

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From: Rovicky Dwi Putrohari <rovi...@gmail.com> 

Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2012 19:31:05 +0700

To: IAGI<iagi-net@iagi.or.id>;

ReplyTo: <iagi-net@iagi.or.id> 

Subject: [iagi-net-l] Erupsi besar gunungapi, abad ke 13 di Indonesia ?


Gunung mana ya ?






13th Century Volcano Mystery May Be Solved - Science News

SELFOSS, Iceland — One of the biggest mysteries in volcanology may finally
have a solution. An eruption long thought to have gone off in the year 1258,
spreading cooling sulfur particles around the globe, happened the year
before in Indonesia, scientists report.

Until now, researchers have known a big volcano went off somewhere in the
world around that time, but they didn’t know exactly where or when.

The new report still remains something of a mystery. Franck Lavigne, a
geoscientist at Panthéon-Sorbonne University's Laboratory of Physical
Geography in Meudon, France, showed data and close-up photographs of the
remains of the perpetrator volcano on June 14 at an American Geophysical
Union conference on volcanism and the atmosphere. But he declined to name
the specific volcano, saying he had agreed with his international colleagues
not to identify it until the work is published in a peer-reviewed journal.

“We have new and solid evidence for the biggest volcanic eruption in 7,000
years,” Lavigne said.

Consensus in the meeting hallways was that he showed pictures of Indonesia.
Lavigne would say only that Indonesia has more than 130 active volcanoes.

Scientists know a big eruption must have happened in the mid-13th century
because ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica dating to that time contain
huge amounts of sulfur. Tree rings, historical records and other evidence
also show that the planet cooled soon thereafter. Big volcanic eruptions can
spew sulfur particles into the upper atmosphere, where they spread around
the globe and reflect sunlight, temporarily chilling the planet.

Leading candidates for the 1258 eruption have included Mexico’s El Chichón,
which also erupted in 1982, and Quilotoa in the Ecuadorean Andes. But the
chemical composition of rocks from those volcanoes, among other factors,
don’t really match the 1258 sulfur from ice cores.

At the meeting, Lavigne showed geochemical analyses of rocks from his
mystery volcano. They matched the chemistry of the polar sulfur almost
perfectly. The rocks come from a caldera, the collapsed remains left behind
after a large volcanic eruption drains an underground magma chamber.

Newly unearthed historical records and other evidence show that climate
changes were already happening in the region by the winter of 1257-1258,
Lavigne said. “We think the eruption may have been in the late spring or
summer of 1257,” he said. That’s nearly a year earlier than previously

Computer simulations suggest the eruption sent pumice flying into the air
more than 40 kilometers high, showering debris for tens of kilometers
around. The eruption would have ranked a 7 on the volcanic explosivity scale
that measures an eruption’s magnitude. That scale tops out at 8.

Still, volcanologists have spent decades looking for the source of the
1257/1258 eruption. It’s not yet clear whether Lavigne will be able to
marshal enough evidence to convince everyone else.


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