Hai Herman,

Menarik sebenarnya posisi tersebut, tapi tidak banyak geoscientist kita yang 
mau berkiprah dalam dunia akademis di LN sebagai post doctoral atau karier 
"tenure tract" seperti Assisten prof sampai Associate prof bahkan full prof.
Kebanyakan anggota IAGI banyak bertebaran di LN sebagai proffesional bekerja di 
bidang Migas dan Mineral+batubara, maklum gaji dan fasilitas di industri lebih 

Saya punya pengalaman postdoctoral selama total empat tahun selama kurun 
2001-2006 di empat negara, sebelum akhirnya menyerah bergabung dengan industri 
sampai sekarang.

Dalam satu pertemuan para Ilmuwan Indonesia di Belanda thn 2005(?), ada sekitar 
200 brain drain Indonesia (hampir 98% PhD) yang terdaftar bekerja di dunia 
akademis/lembaga riset swasta/negri di Europa, dan hanya 2 orang saja saat itu 
dibidang Earth Sciences termasuk sy sendiri. Kebanyakan brain drain Indonesia 
bekerja di bidang Teknologi dan farmasi/kedokteran.

Mudah2an ke depan banyak anggota IAGI banyak mau berkiprah di bidang akademis 
di LN.

Ade Kadarusman

 Dari: "herman.dar...@shell.com" <herman.dar...@shell.com>
Kepada: iagi-net@iagi.or.id 
Dikirim: Selasa, 24 Juli 2012 20:12
Judul: [iagi-net-l] FW: [igcp475-all] Call for Postdoc Projects Open
Siapa tau ada yang tertarik.


-----Original Message-----
From: SAITO Yoshiki [mailto:yoshiki.sa...@aist.go.jp] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 2:52 PM
To: igcp475-...@m.aist.go.jp
Subject: [igcp475-all] Call for Postdoc Projects Open

Call for Postdoc Projects Open

“The Future Ocean”
Christian-Albrechts-Universit zu Kiel (CAU)
www.futureocean.org | postdoc-2...@futureocean.org

The Cluster of Excellence The Future Ocean is one of the core projects of Kiel 
Marine Sciences. Our mission is to use the results of multidisciplinary
scientific research on the past and present ocean to predict the future of the 
Earth’s marine environment and to develop and
assess scientifically-based global and regional ocean governance options, 
including their legal, economic and ethical aspects.
We call for proposals on interdisciplinary research projects related to the 
research topics of The Future Ocean
by September 1, 2012 latest.

R1 Our Common Future Ocean
How can ocean sustainability be conceptualized to guide responsible 
R2 Ocean Governance
How can environmental law be implemented in the open sea and in exclusive 
economic zones?
R3 Ocean Resources
How can ocean resources be exploited balancing ocean use and ocean protection?
R4 Ocean Innovations
How can ocean substances support technological innovations in materials and 
life sciences?
R5 Ocean Sinks
What is the role of marine carbon sequestration techniques to mitigate climate 
R6 Dangerous Ocean
How can we cope with ocean hazards and prepare for ocean change?
R7 Ocean Interfaces
How do micro-scale processes at ocean interfaces affect fluxes of climate 
relevant substances?
R8 Evolving Ocean
How might rapid evolutionary change of species affect marine ecosystems?
R9 Ocean Controls
How does the ocean influence climate at transitions points to climate warming?
R10 Ocean Observations
How can autonomous ocean observing systems be optimized?
R11 Predicted Ocean
How can ocean predictions be improved also on regional scales?

We offer: Postdoc Project funding in two lines
Line A – Medium-term postdoc projects:
Max. 3 years project duration (2 years + 1 year after successful evaluation).
Postdocs with max. 6 years postdoc experience are eligible to propose a project.
Line B – Long-term postdoc projects:
Max. 5 years project duration (3 years + 2 years after successful evaluation)
Postdocs with a minimum of 2 years postdoc experience are eligible to propose a 

We seek: Your proposal
If you strive to improve our understanding of the ocean based on innovative 
research we want to hear about your exciting postdoc proposal and hope that you 
will explore the Future Ocean with us! Please check our website
for details.
Proposal Deadline: 1.9.2012
Start of Funding: 1.11.2012 until 1.5.2013

For further information
please see: www.futureocean.org/postdoc-2012

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