Hello, Wikimedians of Iberocoop,

I am writing to let you know that the WMF Community Resources team is
closing one of our smaller funding programs, Travel and Participation
Support (TPS) [1]. *TPS will no longer accept applications as of May 1,

Some background: TPS was created in 2011 as a movement outreach program. It
reimburses travel expenses for Wikimedian volunteers who present about
Wikimedia at non-Wikimedia events. Its closure comes as a consequence of
the grants restructure following our 2015 Reimagining Grants consultation.
[2] As we have redesigned our grant programs to better meet the needs of
our stakeholders, we are no longer resourced to support TPS as a separate

*We will continue to* *support travel requests as part of our other grant
programs*, as follows:

*Rapid Grants* will now fund travel requests for non-Wikimedia events from
individuals for up to $2,000 USD, prioritizing applications that include
all of the following:
* Wikimedian presenters who have a special area of expertise in relation to
their target audience (for example, a psychology professor who is sharing
about Wikimedia projects at an academic conference for other psychology
* outreach activity with a training component and a plan for online
follow-up providing ongoing mentorship and support (editing training,
editathon, etc.)
* regional travel requests under $2,000 USD

*Rapid Grants* will continue to fund travel expenses for local Wikimedia
events. Learn more here: https://meta.wikimedia.

*Conference and Events Grants* will continue to support travel scholarships
for Wikimedia events. Note that this funding is awarded to conference
organizers who then manage requirements for participants. Requests for more
than $10,000 USD are required to start the application process 6 months
before the date of the proposed event. Learn more here:

*Wikimania Scholarships* will continue to support travel scholarships for
Wikimania. Learn more here: https://meta.wikimedia.

You can contact me directly if you have any questions.

Katy Love

*[1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:TPS
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