At one time, I was exporting data from a VM monitor and sending it to a
PC for manipulation by GNUPlot and ImageMagic to produce JPGs of the
the system utilization data. The JPGs were retrieved from the PC for
display by a webbrowser. That PC was running Windows (I had not started
working with Linux yet). If I had to do it again, I would use a Linux
based system to create the graphics but keep the same basic automation
setup. If you have a spare PC lying around or a Linux/390 server in
another LPAR, it would not be too hard to do.

/Tom Kern

--- "McKown, John" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am likely confused. The person wants to send some data out-of-house
> and get back some graphs? In what form? Transparencies? GIF files?
> PNG files? A presentation? 
> What I am considering is looking a porting GNUPlot from Linux to z/OS
> UNIX System Services. I just haven't had time (or inclination). Our
> DASD person is really "pumped" on SASGraph, but the bloody thing is
> super expensive. And he doesn't want to use SAS on a PC somewhere
> (for whatever reason, maybe because it would take it outside his
> control?).

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