
Just a couple of thoughts.

This is a user abend, so you probably need to look at the source for DFHSTUP
to see what will generate this failure.  My initial guess would be a field
it cannot handle.  If that were the case, then you could remove the
offending record.

Second, you are running  DFHSTUP against a set of SMF data. For details on
DFHSTUP and its control parameters see the CICS Operations and Utilities
Guide (SC34-5991 for CICS TS V2.2, SC33-1685 for CICS TS V1.3).

If you cannot find the source for DFHSTUP, you may need to go to the IBM
support center for CICS and ask them what a U0001 indicates.  Or go to the
CICS list server and check with them or scan their archives. 

Lizette Koehler

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