I sent the following two notes out to the LNGC and ASM (formerly DVLG) SHARE
project requirement groups on Sunday (and semi-accidentally to the IBM
Assembler List-server).  It was suggested that I also let all of IBM-MAIN no
about this.

Although the two notes are medium long, I *strongly* urge you (and your
companies) to try and let you voices be heard on this 

  BEFORE SEPT 28, 2005 

-----Original Message-----

to: SHARE LNGC and ASM (previously DVLG) project requirement distribution
lists (and others)

This is *NOT* a "SHARE requirement" note, nor do the opinions in this note
(necessarily) reflect the official views of SHARE itself (although see below
to see how the SHARE Board-of-Directors have responded).

This is a LONG note, but I really, REALLY, hope that as many of you as
possible take action upon this issue.


There is currently a "vote" out for work that is progressing on the IEEE


standard.  Yes, I did say "decimal floating point".

There is (and has been for several years now) a revision to try and ADD
decimal floating point specifications for IEEE (this is in ADDITION TO - not
to replace the existing IEEE floating point support - recently added to and
extended availability on z/OS).

Although there was (apparent) consensus a couple years ago on the format
(and requirements for the encoding), recent work of a FEW members of the
revision work is placing all the previous work in jeopardy.

I *STRONGLY* recommend that "you" (either as individuals - or as a company -
if you can get official permission to do so) 
   on both the "BID" and "Compromise" proposals currently out for vote.


To read what the SHARE BoD said about this ballot, see:

and scroll down to the section beginning:
 "Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 16:22:22 -0700
From: Jim Michael 

To the Chairman and members of the IEEE 754 revision working group,

After considering the issue of revisions to IEEE 754 that your group is
pursuing, the Board of Directors of SHARE has asked that I extend our
previous letter commenting on the proposed revisions so as to register a
"No" vote on this issue.  Our intent in taking this action is to communicate
the opposition of SHARE to the proposed amendment to the standard,
especially as regards modifications to the hardware encoding specifications
in the current draft."


Similarly, if you want to read what IBM's rep to the committee has said,
scroll to the section starting:

"From: Mike Cowlishaw 
Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2005 22:16:14 +0100

Whereas a 'big integer' binary encoding for the significand
offers the potential of high-speed unrounded multiplication, it
is inherently mis-matched to the nature of decimal data and


Similarly, you can look for my PERSONNEL comments by looking for the section

"From: "Bill Klein" 
Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2005 11:52:38 -0500

I want to record a NO vote on the proposal
        "Formats: Binary-Integer Decimal Encoding" 

  Most/many of these same comments also apply to the proposal:
        "Formats: Compromise Decimal Encoding"

 * * *

I would suggest that you NOT simply "copy" the words from any of these
comments, but that you include your own paraphrasing.  

To "cast a vote", all you need to do is:

1) Register for the 754r revision distribution list.  This can be done by:
   To join the list, send the message text "subscribe stds-754" to

2) Then send in your vote with:
    and/or a separate vote with

to: 754r AT ucbtest.org

I suggest that you include (in your introduction) whether you are
representing yourself, your company, or some "group" or "organization". You
also need to explain WHY you are voting no.  (See below for some reasons).

following the rules for voting at:

* * * * 

Although I certainly would understand if some of those reading this note
will decide that they actually want to vote YES on these proposals, there
are a number of reasons that I think they are a bad (VERY BAD) idea:

1) For those of us who have lived with "IBM" vs "IEEE" binary floating point
on MVS, OS/390, z/OS, I think it is OBVIOUS that when/if a "new" decimal
floating point specification is created that it be TRULY portable and that
the same "encoding" be used on all platforms, all operating systems, and be
available for all (appropriate) programming languages.

2) The current draft includes "decimal information encoded in decimal"
(basically the parts of the decimal floating point items are stored in what
we z/OS-types would call "packed decimal").  However, the proposals that I
suggest you vote NO on would allow (or force) systems to store DECIMAL
information IN BINARY.  For those of us coming from (or familiar with) a
COBOL background, you KNOW how painful (and error-prone) this can be.  IBM
COBOL mainframe sites suffer thru this with TRUNC(STD) (BIN) (OPT) options.
If you don't know what can happen with storing decimal data in binary, I
suggest you review the information (often HIGHLY user-unfriendly) at:


Now, I am NOT saying that if this (bad IMHO) proposal passed, that the same
problems will occur for floating point, but I would say that the POTENTIAL
problems are there.

3) One way that the committee MIGHT go with "decimal floating point" is to
make the INTERNAL format different from the "logical" format.
Alternatively, they might simply not specify ANYTHING for the "encoding" of
decimal floating point data items.  This would simply cause TOTAL LACK of
portability (across languages, operating systems, and in "data transfer").

4) The other thing that MIGHT happen if sufficient "users" don't speak up is
that the entire revision gets so delayed that it becomes irrelevant or NEVER
gets appropriate (and implemented).  Therefore, I would suggest that NO
VOTES include requests that the revision go with what the current draft
includes (decimal information encoded in decimal formats) AND progress the
revision to approval AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

5) For those interested in how "business" programming languages might use
this facility (if it gets approved) you might want to look at the tentative
work for the next COBOL revision.  See:

6) If you read the current votes, you MIGHT be convinced that there would be
"serious" performance problems with using decimal encoding for decimal data
(in decimal floating point items).  However, there have been a number of
presentations to 754r that seem (to me) to adequately refute this.  For a
presentation, see:

 * * *

Please feel free to contact me by email if you have any questions about all
of this, but 

     Cast your vote (either personally or for your company)

BEFORE Sept 28, 2005

(Even if you or your company decides to VOTE YES, I would urge you to let
you view be known ASAP).

  *** NOTE 2 (clarification - additional information follows)

to: LNGC & ASM requirements distribution lists (and others)

It has been pointed out to me that I didn't give quite all the URL's and
information that I should have in my note Sunday evening.

To see ALL the 754r ballots (currently in draft, out-for-voting, and
passed), go to:


 * * *

The three ballots that I (personally) am recommending that "you" vote  
on are:

 - Formats: No Decimal Encoding  
    Details at:

 - Formats: Compromise Decimal Encoding
   Details at:

 -  Formats: Binary-Integer Decimal Encoding  
   Details at:

* * * *

Although I recommend "NO" on all of them, I would say it is the LAST one
that is most important to let you opinion (vote) been known on.

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