On 2009-08-13 at 12:08, concerning "DFSMS batch query" 
bre..sn...@fan..m...com wrote to IBM-Main:

> Is there a way to query DFSMS volume status with a batch job? 

DFSMSdfp v1r3.0 Storage Admin Ref SC26-7402-01, Appendix E : Using 
NaviQuest; Performing Storage Administration Tasks in Batch - pg 343.

SYS1.SACBCNTL Sample JCL Library - pg 345
ACBJBAI8 - Generate DASD volume list, ...
ACBJBAIA - Generate ISMF mountable tape volume list, ...
ACBJBAIX - Generate Storage Group list, ...

I schedule ACBJBAIX each morning before I get to the office so I can 
see if anything overflowed into my SPILL group for special 
consideration.  I also FDR Move that group each morning since most of 
my overflows occur because of over-generous SPACE= values.  90% of 
the time, the finalized dataset fits back in its original, proper 

ps.  I also use ACBJBAG1/ACBJBAIC, et al, monthly to test my ACS 
routines and the planned upgrades.  (My rules have been slowly 
evolving over the last 6 years.)

---------->  signature = 6 lines follows <--------------
Neil Duffee, Joe SysProg, U d'Ottawa, Ottawa, Ont, Canada
telephone:1 613 562 5800 x4585                 fax:1 613 562 5161
mailto:NDuffee of uOttawa.ca     http:/ /aix1.uottawa.ca/ ~nduffee
"How *do* you plan for something like that?" Guardian Bob, Reboot
"For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism."
"Systems Programming: Guilty, until proven innocent" John Norgauer 

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