I think the Lrecl80 came from the punch card days.  The people I worked with 
back in 1980 preferred the 80 byte record because they came from punch cards.

That plus the ease of seeing everything on one screen without having to scroll 
back and forth was great.  But those days were more due to the limits of the 
terminals.  I do not recall when we were able to go from the 24x80 screen to 
mod3/mod4/mod5.  But that would be one reason many prefer the Lrecl80.

With the advances of screen szie (162x??) you could see more at one time than 

I really do not think it was ever a standard, just a preference.  IBM would 
ship some products clists (like DB2's) in both formats and you could choose 
which one you liked to use.

My preference is still 80 byte, but I can always adapt to 255.


>I'm involved in a discussion (read "argument") with co-workers where I'm 
>currently doing a consulting gig.
>Which is more effieient for CLIST/REXX libraries? the choices are 
>I lean toward the VB-format, btt I have at least one person here 
>insisting that FB/80 is a "Industry standard" and is absolutely 
>mandatory. The libraries are NOT LLA/VLF managed.
>Opinions and/or criticisms, please.

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