
> I did find notes indicating MTU size can affect performance when messages 
have to be fragmented.

If it's SNA, MTU has nothing to do with it - and neither does "fragmenting". 
The approximately equivalent mechanisms to IP "fragmenting" is 
SNA "segmenting".

I guess you found this in connection with the use of an IP network with 
Enterprise Extender.


Very often 087D0001 is, in effect, a "summary" sense code, showing that a 
number of possible destinations were tried and all failed - with other sense 
codes - but the attempts to find a route continued to the end of the list of 

It may be that there is, for example, in a network supposedly converted to 
APPN, still some traces of subarea definitions including an adjacent SSCP 
table. VTAM will faithfully try each of the entries as listed, giving up on 
one because the requisite CDRM-CDRM session is not in place and report an 
087D0001 when the "retrying" process is complete.

There may well be a "jump into APPN" at some point in the scan of the logical 
adjacent SSCPs, indicated by the pseudo-SSCP ISTAPNCP. In a configuration 
which has supposedly been completely converted to APPN, this is the only one 
which matters. Thus it is very probably that the sense code which matters is 
80140002 and 087D0001 is a complete "red herring"!

If this is the case, I recommend performing the final "clean up" stage 
in "migrating to APPN" which is to flush out the remaining subarea definitions 
from the system starting with converting the SACONNS start option from the 
default YES to NO[1]. Having performed this "clean up", problem determination 
of problems such as this one will be much simplified.

A hint: when you need to check on any module which needs to be assembled 
and linkage edited, you must start with what is actually in VTAMLIB and edit it 
with "hex on" particularly if you were not responsible for the assembling and 
linkage editing.

I made it a rule - probably picked up from the "giants" on whose "shoulders I 
stood" - always to have an exact correspondence between the source of the 
mode table or USS table or whatever always stored in VTAMLST - although 
never loaded by VTAM from VTAMLST, of course - and the object of the mode 
table or USS table or whatever necessarily stored in VTAMLIB from where, of 
course, VTAM loads it for use.

Now that you are "in charge" of VTAM, in the interests of sanity, you might 
like to adopt an identical policy, starting with a "reverse engineering" of the 
content of the modules on which you rely in VTAMLIB.

> Has anyone else run into this issue?

No - but I have run into this effect as a "problem", namely at the customer 
with whom I have been working from time to time lately. Finding the source of 
the mode tables and USS tables was an uncertain process, not least because 
the responsibility was split between "network system programmers" 
and "application system programmers". I remember well sitting down with the 
relevant "application system programmer" and having a "bonfire" of the mode 
table entries.

Interestingly enough, the "bonfire" happened because we had just suffered an 
80140002 - when someone tried NetView FTP I think. Also we had suffered it 
on a system which was still configured as an interchange node, so we had to 
follow up on the IST895I messages, the list of failing "SSCPs", in the IST663I 
message group. Fortunately, I was on hand when it happened and I knew that 
we had to find the log containing the IST663I message group, that the "SSCP" 
which mattered was - at this point in the "migration" - ISTAPNCP and hence 
the sense code which mattered was that alongside ISTAPNCP, well, well: 

Another "fortunate" - which also applied in your case, dare I say by neglect 
rather than deliberate policy? - was that my first revision to the start 
removed APPNCOS=#CONNECT which had been specified before as "maybe a 
good thing" or "because the standard class suggested it". My reasoning was/is 
that there was no reason why any system should have to compensate for not 
knowing the APPN COS names in use. That is, if an APPN COS name is 
specified, all systems should know about it.

What was happening in my case, and probably happened in your case, is that -
 unusually for my customer - there was a *subarea* COS specified and, 
because of the rules governing the selection of an APPN COS name - and, 
unlike subarea, an APPN COS name *must* be available - VTAM used the 
subarea COS name as the required APPN COS name. VTAM then discovered 
that, actually, there's no APPN COS defined with the same name as the old 
subarea COS entry, hence 80140002.


Sense code 8014

No path exists to the destination node: Route selection services in the CP has
determined from the topology database that no path exists to the destination 


0002 COS name received is not valid.

VTAM hint: The most common reasons for this error are:

- The requested APPN class-of-service (COS) definition is not found in the 
COS database at the node issuing this sense code.

- The requested mode name for the session does not map to an APPN class of 
service known by this node.

Examine the mode definition to determine the APPN COS name. Verify that this 
definition exists in a VTAMLST member at the nodes which resolve the mode 
to an APPN class of service. Activate the member to ensure that the definition 
is active. If APPN COS substitution has been enabled by specifying the 
APPNCOS start option, verify that the COS it specifies has been activated.


These "VTAM hints" can be very handy but this one has a gaping hole. There 
should be another bullet saying the following:

- If you are migrating from subarea and you have constructed subarea class-
of service with COS names specified in your mode table entries, do be sure 
that you actually specify the APPNCOS operand in the affected mode table 

Yea - got the t-shirt!

Chris Mason

[1] You could always remove the HOSTSA start option in order to cause VTAM 
to consider the node a "pure" APPN node rather than being an interchange 
node or a migration data host. Be aware that there is a lot of residual 
documentation in many parts of the VTAM manuals which the poor lambs of 
authors failed to update when the SACONNS start option was introduced. 
Naturally, this erroneous text still swears blind that the only way to shed 
subarea function is to sunset the HOSTSA start option.

On Wed, 7 Oct 2009 08:29:14 -0500, Martin Kline <> 

>We've had a long-standing issue with a particular VTAM logmode not working
>across systems. The logmode is ALTMOD45 used by 3270-type LUs with a
>primary screen size of 43x80 and alternate of 27x132. This logmode works fine
>for TSO and for CA-TPX on each system. However, when the user connects
>to system A and tries to access TSO or TPX on system B using this logmode,
>they get the SNA sense code of 087D0001, indicating routing was exhausted.
>VTAM also issues messages including IST895I with sense code 80140002
>indicating an invalid APPN COS name.
>The same user can use a another logmode, ALTMOD25, with the
>same 'INTERACT' class of service, and connect just fine across systems, so
>routing and COS are not the issues. I opened a problem with IBM about this.
>While they ponder the issue, I thought I'd bring it to the masses, in hope I 
>receive enlightenment.
>The differences between the logmode entries are the primary screen sizes 
>the RUSIZES. ALTMOD45 specifies RUSIZES=X'87F8'. ALTMOD25 specifies
>RUSIZES=X'87C7'. Just so no one has to look them up, the values correspond
>as follows: X'87'= 1024, x'C7' = 1536, and X'F8' = 3840, and the first byte is
>the maximum size the SLU can send, and the second byte is the maximum 
>the PLU can send.
>So, I changed the RUSIZES on ALTMOD45 to match those on ALTMOD25. 
>works. Huh? That's not what the error codes indicated.
>My assumption is that something in the network routing stuff must limit the
>maximum RU size. Something important like that is surely documented, right?
>Not so. At least not that I found. I checked all of the standard IBM manuals
>for Communications Server, and found nothing indicating any relationship
>between maximum RU size and some other limiting factor. I did find notes
>indicating MTU size can affect performance when messages have to be
>fragmented. I infer from that little nugget of information that the network can
>handle large messages just fine.
>Has anyone else run into this issue? Can anyone point me to the IBM
>documentation that explains this phenomenon?

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