On Wed, 5 Oct 2005 09:17:03 -0400, Knutson, Sam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I can write a quick and dirty program to do this but since it is for an
>application group a supported utility would be preferred.
>Does anyone have code to use SAS, SYNCSORT or some other utility to quickly
>summarize the lengths of all the records in a file of variable length

Since you have SYNCSORT, will HISTOGRM work?  I don't think I've run
it in 15 years, but I just tried and it looks like it is what you
want.  Here was my test JCL:

//*STEPLIB  DD  DSN=syncsort_linklib,DISP=SHR
//SYSUT1   DD  DSN=userid.TEST.VB,
//             DISP=SHR
//*SYSIN    DD  *

Here is an example of some of the output (I wonder if
this really hasn't been updated since Jan 1981):

          HISTOGRM     VERSION 4  JAN. 1981
HIS024I  LRECL      255   BLKSIZE    27998   RECFM VB
HIS007I  NUMBER OF BLOCKS..............                  1
HIS008I  TOTAL LENGTH OF ALL BLOCKS....                 39
HIS009I  AVERAGE BLOCK LENGTH..........                 39

HIS010I  NUMBER OF RECORDS.............                  5
HIS011I  TOTAL LENGTH OF ALL RECORDS...                 35
HIS012I  AVERAGE RECORD LENGTH.........                  7
HIS016I  KEY LENGTH....................                 20
HIS015I  AVERAGE SPACE PER RECORD - L6.                 20
HIS014I  RECOMMENDED SEG. SIZE - L7....                 20
HIS017I  LINE WIDTH....................                 20
HIS018I  LONGEST RECORD................                  9
HIS019I  SHORTEST RECORD...............                  5
HIS023I  RECORDS TOO SHORT.............                  5
HIS020I  DEVICE TYPE...................               3390

Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect - z/OS Team Lead
Zurich North America and Farmers Insurance Group
Systems Programming expert at http://Search390.com/ateExperts/
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://home.flash.net/~mzelden/mvsutil.html

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