On Sun, 27 Dec 2009 04:57:25 +0000, Sam Siegel wrote:

>For caps on/caps off, I was referring to ISPF edit.
That has very little to do with how JCL passes parms, nor
how C/C++ receives them, nor with any other editor the user
chooses because it has less restrictive conventions.

More relevant, and truly dismaying, I stumbled onto:

Title:  z/OS V1R10.0 XL C/C++ User's Guide
Document Number: SC09-4767-07


11.3.2 Passing arguments to the z/OS XL C/C++ application

 How the z/OS XL C/C++
 program is invoked     Example                  Case of argument

 By CALL command (with  CALL program Args ASIS   Mixed case (However,
 control arguments                               if you pass the
 ASIS                                            arguments entirely in
                                                 upper case, the
                                                 argument will be
                                                 changed to lower


Sheesh.  "ASIS" should mean ASIS.  Lower case is left lower _and_
upper case is left upper.

This is an egregious example of not fixing breakage where it
occurred, but introducing additional breakage elsewhere with
the misguided and futile hope that it will offset the original.

-- gil

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