> So the next time I fill up at the gas station the price should be
based on
> horsepower.  All the SUV's should pay vastlly more for the same gas
that I
> use for my Honda Civic.
> I always use high-test since high-octane is always better even for
> cars, better mileage and cooler running engines.  The grade of gas
> affects the temperature of the engine.  It is one reason, why
airplanes use
> special high octane gas.


It may be one reason, but it is not the defining reason.

80 Octane is not readily available in the US any longer, so 100LL is
what is used.

100LL (Low Lead -- as in TetraEthyl Lead) is needed to avoid detonation
in high horsepower engines.

The other octane levels are gone (unless on a military field, but since
I don't operate there, I can't really say what their octane ratings

And this is why there are people pushing for AutoGas STCs, but requiring
that the autogas NOT have alcohol in it (since it attracts moisture, and
climbing out to 10,000 ft MSL can mean the outside temp is -30C in the
winter guess what happens).

<sore subject for me>

But today, even the low end auto engines have detonation sensors to
change the timing and mixture. So running premium is a waste.

The idea that we need different CPUs to allow for different workloads is
a bit twisted. That the clock speed would be different, or the internal
cache would be different, etc. is understandable.

But, using certain arguments, and apparently IBM does, we do not see
mainframes in the 10-20 MIP range with embedded disk drives, etc.
(similar to the P/390 on steroids, MP/3000, or the FLEX/ES machines, or
PSIs offerings). We don't see this because it is not in IBM's best

So we sell you the same machine, but at a lower cost because we disabled
it, than the one we sell to the top level power users. Isn't this
socialism in effect in computer systems?

Seems that Bausch ran into this problem when they were doing the same
thing (effectively) for contacts. If you paid more for your contacts,
you could wear them for 3 months. Otherwise, you paid less for a box of
contacts, but could only wear them for a week at a time.

Steve Thompson

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