I have access to the Dallas system as well.  I'm assuming that you mean
/u/ibmuser/.sh_history.  It works for me, is there another one in another
location that you want me to test?

Sorry if things don't line up well when I paste them.

step 1:

   File  Directory  Special_file  Commands  Help                                
                                 Directory List                                 
 Select one or more files with / or action codes.  If / is used also select an  
 action from the action bar otherwise your default action will be used.  Select 
 with S to use your default action.  Cursor select can also be used for quick   
 navigation.  See help for details.                                             
 EUID=0   /u/ibmuser/                                                           
   Type  Filename                                                   Row 1 of 3  
 _ Dir   .                                                                      
 _ Dir   ..                                                                     
 e File  .sh_history                                                            

step 2

   File  Directory  Special_file  Commands  Help                               
 - +---------------------------------------------------+ ----------------------
   |          Select Edit or Browse Options            |                       
   |                                                   |                       
 S | Enter options for edit:                           | s used also select an 
 a | Profile name . . . . ________                     |  will be used.  Select
 w | Initial macro  . . . ____________________         | so be used for quick  
 n |                                                   |                       
 E | Select additional options:                        |                       
   | _  Edit or browse command line on bottom          |            Row 1 of 3 
 _ | _  Bypass this panel on edit                      |                       
 _ |                                                   |                       
 e |                                                   |                       
   |                                                   |                       

just press enter and you get step 3

  File  Edit  Edit_Settings  Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Test  Help            
EDIT       /u/ibmuser/.sh_history                          Columns 00001 00072 
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> PAGE 
****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
==MSG> -CAUTION- Data contains invalid (non-display) characters. Use command   
==MSG>           ===> FIND P'.' to position cursor to these                    
==MSG> -Warning- The UNDO command is not available until you change            
==MSG>           your edit profile using the command RECOVERY ON.              
000001  cd /u/ivp                                                              
000002   etpval                                                                
000003   etpvalc                                                               
000004   ctof                                                                  
000005   man -ls                                                               
000006   man ls                                                                
000007       exit                                                              
000008   cd /u/ivp                                                             
000009   ctof                                                                  
000010   exit                                                                  
000011   cd /u                                                                 
000012   cd ivp                                                                
000013   etpval                                                                
000014   exit                                                                  
000015   cd /u/dasuser/das/adm                                                 

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