Snipped from the email below:

"The entry fields for workstation files don't allow for long 
paths and the code doesn't put up a selection list if I provide a
 directory name. Does SimplList® Do anything to make 
the access to workstation files under ISPF more seamless?"

To answer "yes" would be putting it mildly. Path names can be very long and can 
include symbols to make them even longer. Wild-cards can be used in file names 
to generate lists of matching files. For example:

OBJ 1 ===> C:\my directory\*.txt

If this object is selected it displays a scrollable list (on the mainframe) of 
all TXT files in the specified directory. Files can be selected from the list 
for a wide variety of functions. PC files can be browsed/printed/edited (etc) 
on a mainframe or PC, just as mainframe files can be browsed/printed/edited 
(etc) on a PC or mainframe. For example, suppose 'P' for Print is entered next 
to a member in a member list. If the printer destination is set to 'PC' the 
member is seamlessly printed on the local PC printer.  

Mainframe and PC files can be transferred in either direction; e.g. members can 
be selected from a regular member list to transfer to a PC, or PC files can be 
selected from a workstation list to transfer to a mainframe. Files can be 
filtered (removed) from a list in many different ways prior to selecting files 
for transfer; e.g. based on file contents, creation date, size (etc). For 
example, if I wanted to transfer to a PC all members that had been changed in 
the last 7 days I would bring up a member list, filter it by changed date, and 
enter 'N *' on the command line to traNsfer all members that remained in the 
list. The same could be done when transferring PC files to a mainframe; i.e. 
bring up a directory list, filter it by changed date, and enter 'N *' to 
transfer all files that remain in the list. All of this is done by simply 
selecting files from a list; e.g. there's no FTP commands and/or passwords 
(etc) that have to be entered.  

In addition to supporting PC files (both local and networked), SimpList 
supports other PC objects such as commands, web sites, PDF's, Word documents, 
spread sheets, and so on. This means all objects associated with a project can 
be grouped together in a single object list; e.g. data sets, UNIX files, PC 
files, DB2 tables, project schedules, time sheets, user specifications, vendor 
manuals (etc). Alternatively, a user might choose to store all DB2 tables on 
one list and all PC files on another list (etc).

Objects prefixed with a less-than sign (<) are automatically processed on a PC, 
while objects not prefixed with a less-than sign are automatically processed on 
a mainframe. Optional comments are prefixed with a left brace. A plus sign at 
the end of an object represents a continuation. User and system defined symbols 
(e.g. &ZUSER, &MYVAR) can be used anywhere in any object. For example:

    OBJ   1   ?==> C:\dave\junk.txt       {Open this file on mainframe          
    OBJ   2   ?==> C:\dave\*.txt          {List matching files on mainframe   
    OBJ   3   ?==> <C:\dave\junk.txt        {Open this file on PC               
    OBJ   4   ?==> <         {Open this web site        
    OBJ   5   ?==> {These commands execute from a command prompt window:      
    OBJ   6   ?==> <ECHO %TEMP%           {DISPLAY TEMP DIRECTORY             
    OBJ   7   ?==> <GETMAC /V             {DISPLAY MAC ADDRESS                
    OBJ   8   ?==> <IPCONFIG              {DISPLAY IP ADDRESS                 
    OBJ   9   ?==> <NET USE               {DISPLAY NETWORK CONNECTIONS        
    OBJ  10   ?==>                                                            
    OBJ  11   ?==> {These commands execute from a Windows RUN prompt:         
    OBJ  12   ?==> <RUN FREECELL           {CARD GAME                         
    OBJ  13   ?==> <RUN MSINFO32           {PC info (OS, release, etc) 
    OBJ  14   ?==> <RUN NOTEPAD "C:\Demo\Temp file.txt"  {Open with Notepad   
    OBJ  15   ?==> <RUN NOTEPAD \\Network\C\Demo\Temp file.txt                  
    OBJ  16   ?==> <RUN RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection C:\Windows\INF\+
    OBJ  17   ?==>      msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove   {Remove MSN from PC    
    OBJ  18   ?==> <RUN WINVER             {Display windows version           
    OBJ  19   ?==>                                                            
    OBJ  20   ?==> {Execute a BAT file in a command window:
    OBJ  21   ?==> <"C:\Demo\temp file.bat"                                   
    OBJ  22   ?==>                                                            
    OBJ  23   ?==> {Open a PDF:                           
    OBJ  24   ?==> <RUN C:\Program Files\Adobe\Reader 8.0\Reader\AcroRd32+    
    OBJ  25   ?==>    .exe "C:\Demo\SIM20.pdf"                                
    OBJ  26   ?==> {The Adobe path above has been set to a symbol called &PDF:  
    OBJ  27   ?==> &PDF "C:\Demo\SIM20.pdf"    

If (for example) the default function for the above object list is "E" (Edit), 
then clicking object 1 edits the file on the mainframe, while clicking object 3 
edits the file on the PC. Either way, the updated file is automatically saved 
on the PC. The PC mac address can be obtained by clicking object 7, a game can 
be launched by clicking object 12, the SimpList user guide can be opened by 
clicking object 27, and so on.

One of the biggest advantages for me is the ability to store PC commands as I 
can never remember them. For example, if I want to know the Windows version I 
can simply click object 18.

Many people like the file transfer feature, as all you have to do is select 
files from a list and select the destination from a list and the transfer takes 
place. There are no FTP commands and passwords (etc) that have to be remembered 
or entered.

I personally can't imagine working in an environment where the mainframe and PC 
aren't seamlessly connected as it would be like working with one arm tied 
behind my back.

SimpList is EXTREMELY inexpensive and saves TONS of time and effort. Click the 
link below to download a free trial copy. Add 5 libraries to a logon procedure 
and installation is complete. There's nothing to 
compile/link/authorize/customize (etc), so it usually takes about 20 minutes to 
install. Anyone can install it in their own personal libraries and no special 
authority or privileges are required. Anyone who subscribes to this list can 
have a special extended trial of 3 months instead of 30 days by contacting me 
Dave Salt

SimpList(tm) - try it; you'll get it!  

> Date: Sun, 6 Jun 2010 00:26:57 -0400
> From:
> Subject: Re: ftp.exe and Vista
> To:
> In <blu149-w1376961212eb4a2175f38da1...@phx.gbl>, on 06/03/2010
>    at 11:02 AM, Dave Salt <> said:
> >If all else fails you could try using the ISPF Workstation Agent
> >(WSA.EXE) to do file transfers. I use it all the time and I prefer it
> >over FTP. If you need information on how to install or use it let me
> >know.
> I use WSA, and periodically find it very frustrating. The work station
> integration isn't. The entry fields for workstation files don't allow
> for long paths and the code doesn't put up a selection list if I
> provide a directory name.
> Does SimplList® Do anything to make the access to workstation files
> under ISPF more seamless?
> -- 
>      Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz, SysProg and JOAT
>      ISO position; see <> 
> We don't care. We don't have to care, we're Congress.
> (S877: The Shut up and Eat Your spam act of 2003)
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