On Thu, 3 Nov 2005 20:23:53 -0500, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>on 11/03/2005
>   at 08:28 AM, Skip Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> >They are transferring huge files (3 -4 gig) from some other platform
> >(probably Unix) to z/OS. They need to reduce transfer time from 8
> >hours.
> A Unix platform is probably using tar and gzip, which should work just
> fine on your end. Unless you need the extra functionality, Info-Zip is
> the obvious alternative to gzip. I don't know which of the two is
> faster.
If it's gzipped or zipped but not tarred (there's some, but little, point
in tarring a sequential file) a Rexx script can pipe the output of gunzip
or funzip (the latter from info-ZIP) directly into IEBGENER with SYSUT2
allocated to a Classic data set.  This removes the need for an HFS
intermediate file.

-- gil

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