Lizette Koehler wrote:
I got a question from one of my co workers on why his job abended with an
S822 Reason=00000014

The job have over 200 steps running mostly DB2 Tools from CA.  There is no
region size on the jobcard.  Each step (except the one that got the S822)
has a REGION=0M

The step that got the S822 is a one line IEFBR14 step.


Our default region size is problem 1M.

I am thinking with the changes to IEFBR14 for z/OS V1.11 (we are coming off
z/OS V1.9)  that we just need to add a region size to this step.

Otherwise I will probably have to get an SVC Dump and start looking at
storage allocation.

Any guidance is appreciated.

IEFBR14 itself has no larger a storage footprint than it had in z/OS R9 (or, indeed, than it has had since we added SR 15,15 to it many many moons ago). It's Allocation processing that was changed to recognize IEFBR14 as a special case when you tell it to. I smell a possible storage fragmentation problem inflicted by one or more of the preceding steps.

John Eells
z/OS Technical Marketing
IBM Poughkeepsie

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