Flag1 = 08 for a backup, A8 for an archive.

I've always had to list FLAG1 out in its binary format (FIELDS=FLAG1B) to
know if files are backups or archives as I have other odd ball combinations
of the bit math which are possible.  From the manual...

Byte # Binary Hex Meaning
1000 0000 80 Data set was scratched at time of archival.
0100 0000 40 Data set was uncataloged at time of archival.
0010 0000 20 Data set was recataloged to CA Disk pseudovolume.
0001 0000 10 Archived due to EXPLICIT request.
Note: If this bit is off, Archived by RETAIN
0000 1000 08 Data set was archived via EXCP support.
0000 0100 04 Archived with Incremental Backup
0000 0010 02 Data set is DSORG=DA RECFM=U/V, or is DSORG=PS RECFM=U/V and
was backed up as DA.
0000 0001 01 Data set resided on Virtual Volume

As for listing what is backup vs what is archive, good old sort works for

Jeffrey Deaver, Engineer
Systems Engineering
IS - "Creating competitive advantage with technology.  Providing service
that excels."
OSS - " Where Innovation Happens"

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