And, of course, Third party software that installs into the filesystems
may require you to be UID(0) to perform the install.


What do your auditors say about UID(0) on the non Mainframe *NIX

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of Porowski, Ken
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 3:49 PM
Subject: Re: [IBM-MAIN] Necessity of UID zero.

I should state that when I installed the Ported Tools (Outside of
ServerPac (I haven't done it in a ServerPac yet).  They had a couple of
scripts to run where you needed to be UID(0) or SU before you ran the
script.  But that was just for setting up the directory structure. 

-----Original Message-----
Starr, Alan

Ken provided just about all the information that one could need. I just
wanted to add that many applications which run as STCs and claim to
require UID0 (e.g. because they do not issue "su") will run perfectly
well if you indicate "trusted" in the STDATA segment associated with the
STC's "started" resource. Doing so affords the UNIX processes / threads
within the STC's address space the use of all (or, possibly, just most)
"superuser" capabilities. Obviously, you have to really trust the STC to
be nice about accessing datasets.


-----Original Message-----
Ken Porowski

Are you talking about the install jobs themselves or the various tasks
that are part of a running system.

The user submitting the install jobs (actually the USER= associated with
the job) does not need UID(0) but they must have BPX.SUPERUSER.  The
jobs themselves will issue an SU as needed.

Quite a few releases ago this was not true and the USER= had to be
UID(0), not sure when this went away but it was many years ago.

The various tasks that make up a working system each has their own need
for UID(0) documented if it is needed.    

-----Original Message-----
Hal Merritt

Cross posed to MVS. Sorry, I don't have an account in the UNIX list.

 I am in the crossfire between auditors insisting that nothing needs UID
0 and sysprogs insiting that everything in their serverpac jobs must
have UID zero as coded.

Any suggestions?


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