On Mon, 24 Jan 2011 08:14:43 -0600, Paul Gilmartin <paulgboul...@aim.com> wrote:

>At the very least, IBM should assist the customer by reporting a
>JCL error for the conflicting (ineffective explicit and effective
>implicit) declarations of MODE.
>I hate JCL!

Of course, this discussion is not really about JCL, per se, but about the
behavior of the START command. I'm reasonably sure that the START command is
just building a new set of JCL that has an EXEC statement and the DD
override, and has no idea of the actual contents of the PROC it's starting.
All it knows is the proc name and the parameters you've provided on the
command, and whether those parameters are DD parameters or not.

Not knowing the actual PROC contents the START command has no way of
reporting the conflict.

I do agree that with the number of DD parameters that exist this can be

Also, regarding picking a symbol name that IBM won't someday decide to use
as a DD keyword: I think that if you use one of the 3 national characters (
$, #, or @) somewhere in your symbol name you'll be immune from future
changes. IBM's internal programming and naming standards (at least as I
understand them) prohibit us from using those characters in many situations,
and JCL keywords should be one of them.  (This is not an official IBM
statement, however. It's just my personal observation.)

Walt Farrell
IBM STSM, z/OS Security Design

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