On Mon, 23 May 2011 18:22:13 +0200, Lindy Mayfield
<lindy.mayfi...@ssf.sas.com> wrote:

>I have been using multiple ISPF screens for many years now, 12 or so.  I
have memorized what each one is.  Like 1 is edit, 2 is SDSF, 3 is ISHELL, 4
is 3.4 and so on.
>Problem is that I still cannot figure out how to make PF9 swap between two
screens that I want.  Let's say I am in ISHELL on number 3 and I want to
swap to number 6 for example.  I put 6 in the command and hit PF9 and it
goes there.  Then I hit PF9 and it goes to #2 for example.  I want it to go
from 6 to 3.  How do I do that?
>I know it can be done, because I do it accidentally quite often, but even
after all these years I haven't figured out the pattern.
>thank you very much

Multiple ways.   2 + pF9  then 6 + pf9 (assuming PF9 = SWAP).  Or use
the "swap list" command and select the logical screen.   
Or name the screens (SCRNAME aaa, SCRNAME bbb), then swap directly
to that screen  - SWAP AAA   then SWAP BBB. 

Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS       
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://www.mzelden.com/mvsutil.html 
Systems Programming expert at http://expertanswercenter.techtarget.com/

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