On Mon, 20 Jun 2011 18:16:37 -0500, Paul Gilmartin <paulgboul...@aim.com> wrote:

>But when an operator command is issued from SDSF (or any program)
>is it generally possible to capture the reply?  I suspect z/OS's
>characteristic adverse layering design (Conway's Law) intrudes
>here.  Ideally, there should be a base layer that issues a command
>and receives a reply, supporting a higher layer that issues a
>command read from a console and reflects the reply to that console.
>I fear the current design is monolithic and not all command replies
>can be captured.

Yes, they can all be captured. The only issue may be that if the command
doesn't properly issue the responses then you may not be able to tell that
the response is for the command you issued. But once you (a program) sets up
a console, you can capture anything that appears on that console.

For properly-written command processors the program can supply a response
token on the command when it issues the MGCRE macro, and the command
processor will include that token on the command response to the  command.

If the command processor does not support use of the response token, then
the program has to capture everything coming to the console and find the
responses among all the other messages the console may be seeing.


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