Carl Edgren wrote about a certificate error on IBMLink and busted links on
IBM sites.


A colleague was once at a meeting of fairly high-level IBMers, one of whom
owned IBMLink. She asked, "So, what do you think of the IBMLink interface?"
and he said, "It looks like each screen was designed by a different person,
and they weren't allowed to collaborate". She winced and said, "You aren't
far wrong". 


This applies to all of IBM, in case you haven't noticed: different product
groups also don't talk to each other enough, so the same thing in two
different products often has different names.


The IBM website is no exception - there are dozens (more likely hundreds) of
individual webmasters with ownership of their page space and no idea who the
other webmasters are, or even a good way to even tell which other pages
point to their pages. So broken links are a normal occurrence. The IBMLink
cert problem might even mean that whatever cert expired got replaced
*internally*, so testing (assuming there is such a thing) didn't notice it.
Now if only there was a reasonable way to report such things.


Mind you, I'm not *justifying* these occurrences - tools like link checkers
aren't exactly late-breaking technology, so they really should do better -
but they shouldn't be a surprise, is my point.



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