On Sat, 2011-11-05 at 14:11 -0400, Jim Mulder wrote:
> > Perhaps the question should be: How do I get my program to run in PSW
> > key 9? Other than the normal, privileged, SKPA instruction. Is the
> > appropriate bit in CR3 (PKM portion) set to allow SPKA to set to key 9
> > by a problem state program? Doesn't appear to be. And I don't see a way
> > to set the PKM in a normal, problem state, APF program. I thought
> > MODESET might, but it doesn't. I guess that CICS does it via their magic
> > SVC.
>   What were you looking at to determine that "Doesn't appear to be"?

I'm at home and not handy to do a test on z/OS at work right now. I
tried to find this out by perusing the manuals, doing searches on PKM.
But didn't find anything that said was the default PKM in z/OS was. I
don't know if it is not documented, or I just did a poor scan. My usual
philosophy on z/OS is "if it isn't documented, then it is unknown and
liable to change without notice". Well, maybe an APAR's doc would
mention such a change. But I rarely depend on "test and see if it works
or not" because I've done that in the past and then it went and changed
on me.

>   In most cases, when a task is attached, the PKM in CR3
> has the bits set to allow a problem-state program to do an SPKA
> to the task's key (the key in TCBPKF), and key 9. 

Thanks. But "in most cases" leaves open the possibility that some times
the PKM isn't set. Again, I don't know where the doc for this is. I may
just not have found it. I tried reading a number of the manuals on z/OS
1.13 in areas that I thought were appropriate. 

Reading IBM manuals for too long causes brain damage <grin>. Not as
quickly as reading MS stuff. That's why GNU doesn't __do__
documentation. <big grin>.

> Jim Mulder   z/OS System Test   IBM Corp.  Poughkeepsie,  NY

John McKown
Maranatha! <><

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