On 11/18/2011 04:15 PM, Ted MacNEIL wrote:
I'm glad to know "n-2" compatibility is now supported.  If that were true long 
ago when the previous dfdss 64KiB change was made, it
certainly wasn't advertised then.

Funny, I thought n-1 was supported for a long time!
Twitter: @TedMacNEIL

Obviously this depends on what is meant by "compatibility" PTFs.

New dfdss versions have always been compatible in reading dumps produced by previous version(s) - changes that invalidated archived dfdss tapes would not be tolerable..

I also can't recall a case other than the 64K block size change where the n-1 version wasn't able to read tapes produced by version n as long as you didn't explicitly use some new features introduced in the new version. The problem with the 64K block change was that you got the new feature by default. I may have missed it, but I don't remember there being a PTF to the old version to allow it to read 64K blocks, at least not at the time we migrated.

In some cases the best you can hope for is toleration support for the n-1 version so that it will try to do something reasonable or at least give meaningful warnings or errors if there is some new construct in the dump file related to a new feature in version n that the old version can't fully handle.

Joel C. Ewing,    Bentonville, AR       jcew...@acm.org 

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