Another email from Spain.
 I assume that more then 90% of the MF users never heard about MFNetDisk.
 I only publish my product in this forum and sometime in the past in
Hercules forum.
 So, the product is spread by old and happy users to new users and that
make me happy.

Some people offer me to help me to market the product to all MF users.
Meanwhile I am happy with the current status of my product.


Hi, Shai:

I'm promoting your application with my mainframe systems colleages, and all
of them are very surprised with the disk replication and tape
virtualization features. In one case, one of my colleages work for
enterprise called CIMUBISA (The Bilbao's Town Hall computer outsourcing
services) and were very interested in it, because they have an extremely
old tape robot with several tape failures and don't have money to buy a new
one, and, because of this, I talked about your program and were very
interested testing it. They were so interested, that in my free times I go
to CIMUBISA and help them to install and configure your tool (free time,
because they also don't have money to pay to an enterprise nor me to do the
job, but they are my very best friends).

Now, I installed the MFNetDisk tool and the system is working in
Development LPAR (not in production) and they are very confortable and
happy with the power and performance (although MPC started task was to be
configured inside a policy under WLM, because in peak work hours, the MPC
and so TCPIP started task takes plenty of CPU, and they system has only 15
MSUs, so if anything consumes a bit more of CPU, the entire system is

So, they want to say to you that you have created an extraordinary and
wonderfull tool and want to show your appreciation.

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