We have a PDS file here, and can't catalog it.

This file, was created on ZOS system (System 1), and then, the DASD was moved 
to another ZOS system (System 2).

Under DSLIST, the file is there, If I try put th C command in the line, receive 
the message : Data set not cataloged, and then, press PF1, and receive the 
message :

'RODRIGO.SUP.SAF500A.NEW.T001' was not found in catalog.

I spoke with a friend abouth this, and him ask to me, IF the alias exist.

Looking there, the alias exist.

Below our screen :

   Menu  Options  View  Utilities  Compilers  Help
 DSLIST - Data Sets on volume GRV336                     Data set not cataloged
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR
 'RODRIGO.SUP.SAF500A.NEW.T001' was not found in catalog.
 Command - Enter "/" to select action                  Message           Volume
C        RODRIGO.SUP.SAF500A.NEW.T001                                   GRV336
          SYS1.VTOCIX.GRV336                                             GRV336
          SYS1.VVDS.VGRV336                                              GRV336
 ***************************** End of Data Set list ****************************

And here, the ALIAS LIST :

   Menu  Options  View  Utilities  Compilers  Help
 DSLIST - Data Sets Matching RODRIGO                                Row 1 of 34
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR

 Command - Enter "/" to select action                  Message           Volume
          RODRIGO                                                        *ALIAS
          RODRIGO.BRODCAST                                               Z2OMV2

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