
   After reading the following in the auth services manual:

CSVDYLPA allows you to request dynamic LPA services. Be aware, however, that changes to LPA itself are not actually done. This set of services truly only lets you add modules to, and delete modules from, common storage. When searching by module name, the system will locate the copy of a module added by dynamic LPA services even if it was present in PLPA, MLPA, or FLPA.

And then noting that the SVCUPDTE had an EP= parameter to allow for specification by entry point address, it prompted my question.

The SVC in question has but one purpose. To generate a system trace table entry. The code within the SVC clears r15, and then branches r14. Nothing more.

   I can't see any need to set a slip, or find it using IPCS in a dump.

By "known" I presume you mean the SVC number has been specified, as opposed to searching the SVC table for an open slot?

I don't wish to do anything to violate and I have been around the horn on that previously, and I changed my code to conform to documented standards, after you let me know what I was doing wasn't kosher. But I did not see where what I was proposing to do, which is to update the SVC table using SVCUPDTE without having 1st added the entry to the LPA chain using CSVDYLPA, would have done that.

   Thanks for taking the time to respond to the query.


---- Original Message ----- From: "Peter Relson" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011 6:39 AM
Subject: Re: Question on adding an SVC routine dynamically to a running system

If adding by EPNAME then it must be in LPA.
If adding by EP it can be anywhere that meets your invokers needs.

Having said that, it is worse to have it in ECSA instead of dynamic LPA
because ECSA provides no capability for SLIP traps or other diagnostics
(including IPCS WHERE) by module name.

Regardless, one might always caution that what appears to "work" might
mean that you have not tested all possible situations where "working"
might be important. I can't think of anything that would apply to this
specific case, but that is the risk you always take when you intentionally
(or unintentionally for that matter) violate documented requirements.

For what it's worth, if the SVC number you want to use is "known" and if
it happens to have the right attributes for you (such as SVC type, locks
on entry) then you can use dynamic LPA with the SVCNUMDEC function (in the
programming interface, a field within DSECT LPMEAX of macro CSVLPRET)  if
using z/OS 1.12 or later.

Peter Relson

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