
What do you *really* want to do?

Your example doesn't make much in the way of sense without considerably more 
explanation - at least to me.

If you judge your query to be more about the IP component of z/OS 
Communications Server and related products and components and not so much about 
z/OS independent of IP-based protocols, you might like to pose your question in 
the following list:

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Are you aware of some operating system (aka "platform") which supports what you 
want and you have tried to "map" this conceptually to z/OS job control language 
(JCL) statements?

I'm going to assume - for the moment - that you want to pass a file from one 
system to another system and that you are going to be using IP and related 
protocols as the means by which to achieve this file transfer.

It's really no surprise that the way you are supposed to do this is - sound the 
trumpets! - to use the "File Transfer Protocol" (FTP).

If your systems are completely contained in a trusted environment, there is 
also "Trivial File Transfer Program" (TFTP).

However, z/OS Communications Server doesn't provide for a TFTP "client" 
function and, assuming I have understood something of what you want, you need 
the "initiating", "client" function.



1. > I was hoping there was a socket DD like you can using APPC, ...

I'm afraid your reference to "APPC" doesn't help - me anyhow - at all. What is 
it you know about "APPC" which relates to what you are asking here? The nearest 
I can come to something that might be related is the AFTP program which is one 
of the components of the now "discontinued" z/OS Communications Server APPC 
Application Suite[1] and uses the "APPC/MVS" component of z/OS and the SNA 
component of z/OS Communications Server (VTAM) as a base.

2. > ... to a raw socket ...

The term "raw socket" has a particular significance when used in conjunction 
with the IP component of z/OS Communications Server[2]. Did you mean "raw 
socket" with this specific meaning or did you just dream up the term "raw 

3. > z/OS version of NetCat or native JCL support

It may be an indication of the level of confusion in this post that I fail to 
be able to connect the subject with any of the contents. Just the mention of 
"JCL" seems to act as some sort of tenuous link (sic).

4. As Scott Ford sort-of indicated, by searching for "SOCKET" in the online 
version of the z/OS MVS JCL Reference manual[3], for example, specifically the 
most recent, V1R13 rather than V1R12, we find the following:


Ranked Search Results for Document: iea2b6b0 "z/OS V1R13.0 MVS JCL Reference"

0 topics have matches for: SOCKET

No search hits found for: SOCKET


> Is it there and I’m missing it?

It would appear not.

5. Another suggestion from Scott Ford was to check the manuals in the 
"Communications Server" bookshelf, for V1R13:


[1] Canny system programmers who liked some or all of the functions provided by 
this suite of programs will have had sufficient nous not to allow their 
distribution libraries to be trashed when they changed from z/OS V1R8 or 
earlier to z/OS V1R9 or later. Thus they will have been able to continue using 
the programs while at the same time extending Agincourt fingers to the "suits" 
in z/OS Communications Server development!

[2] The following taken from the z/OS Communications Server IP Sockets 
Application Programming Interface Guide and Reference manual indicates what 
"raw" means in the context of the IP component of z/OS Communications Server:

<quote> Introducing TCP/IP concepts: Selecting sockets

The raw socket allows direct access to lower layer protocols, such as IP and 
the ICMP. This interface is often used to test new protocol implementation, 
because the socket interface can be extended and new socket types defined to 
provide additional services. ... Because socket interfaces isolate you from the 
communication function of the different protocol layers, the interfaces are 
largely independent of the underlying network. In the MVS implementation of 
sockets, stream sockets interface with TCP, datagram sockets interface with 
UDP, and raw sockets interface with ICMP and IP.




Chris Mason

On Mon, 2 Jan 2012 19:34:52 -0700, Gerard Nicol <> 

>I am looking for the most elegant way to send a file to a raw socket on a
>remote machine.
>I was hoping there was a socket DD like you can using APPC, but I can’t
>find anything in the docs for anything like
>//SYSUT1  DD *
>Is it there and I’m missing it?
>Otherwise, are there any standard utilities that do this? Yes I know I
>could write a REXX exec to do it, but I’d rather keep it as vanilla as
>Any help greatly appreciated.
>*Gerard Nicol*

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