Thanks to all that replied. It looks like I will have to manipulate the
internal text string. 
There does not appear to be any "no-op" parameter available.

I have been tasked with an update to JES2 exit 6. One of the functions I
need to implement is to forbid all use of a certain JCL parameter.


Initial testing indicates the INTTXT presents the parameter in the order
specified in the JCL. Since the "forbidden" parameter may be in the
"middle" of the string, 

I will need to manipulate the INTTXT buffer to eliminate the "forbidden"
parameter" by shifting the characters to the right of the forbidden
parameter, to the left.


What would be preferable is to "nullify" the parameter in the internal
text string without shifting the string. (i.e. create a noop) without
the character shift.


Does anyone know if this is possible? If so, what is the INTTXT key? I
have been all over the IEFVKEYS macro, and can't seem to find one.

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