On Tue, 7 Feb 2012 16:46:38 -0500, Lizette Koehler <stars...@mindspring.com> 

>Has anyone written a tool that could help in reoncilling all of my CA Keys.
>For example I have 2 Physical Boxes.  Running 6 Lpars.
>However, CA Keys do not seem to match.  I need a pair of keys, one for each 
>So rather than doing IEIBALL, is there any tool that would help me validate 
>the Prod_Key, CPU
>I can write a Rexx but thought if someone had something to share, that would 
>be great.

See the LMPREXXX edit maco on my web site:

/* REXX */                                                                      
/*                                       */                                     
/* AUTHOR: Mark Zelden                   */                                     
/*                                       */                                     
/* LMPREXX:                                                          */         
/*                                                                   */         
/* This edit macro will do the following:                            */         
/*                                                                   */         
/* 1) Create a KEYSOLD member from the member being edited.          */         
/* 2) Append keys from the KEYSNEW member into member being edited.  */         
/* 3) Check for duplicates and only keep the more current one.       */         
/* 4) Write the duplicates to the KEYSDUP member.                    */         
/* 5) Write expired keys to the KEYSDUP member. Expired keys are     */         
/*    also removed from the original file, but can optionally be     */         
/*    kept if the "KEEPEXP" parameter is used at invocation.         */         
/*                                                                   */         
/*  Duplicate keys are defined as keys that have the same PROD(nn)   */         
/*  code and the same last 4 characters of the CPU serial number.    */         
/*                                                                   */         
/* NOTE:  This macro will not automatically save the data being      */         
/*        edited.  However, since the data will most likely          */         
/*        be changed the data will be saved if you type END or       */         
/*        use the END PFK. This also depends on your profile         */         
/*        settings for AUTOSAVE.                                     */         
/* The KEYS for the member being edited and the keys in the KEYSNEW  */         
/* member must start in column 1 and look similar to this:           */         
/*                                                                   */         
/* *---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+ */         
/* Prod(nn) Date(ddmthyy) CPU(nnnn-nnn /ssssss) LMPCODE(...          */         
/*                                                                   */         
/* Execution Syntax:                                                 */         
/*                                                                   */         
/*  LMPREXX            (delete dups and expired keys)                */         
/*  LMPREXX KEEPEXP    (delete dups but keep expired keys)           */         

Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS       
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://www.mzelden.com/mvsutil.html 
Systems Programming expert at http://expertanswercenter.techtarget.com/

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