On Mar 8, 2012, at 1:15 PM, Ray Overby <ray.ove...@kr-inc.com> wrote:

> Rob - How about: If your authorized program while executing in PSW Key 0-7 
> stores into an address provided by an unauthorized caller (as long as the 
> store operation uses the execution PSW KEY) then this is a violation of the 
> IBM statement of integrity.

Not necessarily. The integrity statement would only be violated if the 
privileged program allowed the non-privileged program to circumvent key 
controlled access. To prevent this, the privileged program must use the 
non-privileged program's PSW key when passing any results back in areas 
provider by the caller (e.g. By using MVCDK and the caller's key) - however, 
the privileged program must also ensure that it does not inadvertently disclose 
the contents of fetch protected storage, regardless of how it moves the results 
back to the caller. 

In the latter case a black hat might cleverly cause a malformed privileged 
program to copy (say) contents of key zero fetch protected storage into plain 
old user key storage where the black hat could inspect it to his heart's 

So bottom line: using the caller's key to return results is a necessary, but 
not sufficient condition to maintain integrity. 


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