User education. One should sched some light, explain the user the complexities of the storage, data netto, data brutto, etc.

I have a paper for "upper level management" which explains such differences. In simple points:
- RAID takes one disk for parity (you pay for N+1 and get N)
- raid group reminder (usually raid group contains integral number of 3390 volumes, maybe some remainder i left = lost)
- on 3390 a 56kB track conains 48kB of DB2 data (12x4kB).
- there is free space at SG level
- there is free space inside of tablespace
- there is secondary copy in DR site
- there are other copies i.e. for test
- last, but not least: 1TB <> 1TiB

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

W dniu 2012-03-21 15:03, Bill Fairchild pisze:
Everyone is missing the point.  Let me rephrase.
What do most users and managers think when they hear or use the phrase "copy data at 
xxx number of MB/sec.?"  Do they think that means the theoretically fastest possible 
rate at which data can be transferred under ideal conditions, or the actual rate at which 
that user's data can be transferred as that data exists at the instant when the copying 
is done?
Only scenario to consider:  an unsophisticated user runs a tool that tells him 
his data center's mission-critical, home-grown access method file Y has 10,000 
MB of data in it.  File Y, however, has been allocated to hold 20,000 MB of 
data.  Maybe their home-grown access method does not use DS1LSTAR properly.  
Maybe DS1LSTAR is maintained but a very inefficient block size is being used.  
Perhaps the tool reads every track and adds up the block size of all blocks in 
it.  Perhaps the tool looks at the RECFM, BLKSIZE, and device type and computes 
the size of the contents.  The point here is that there is really only 10,000 
MB of user data stored in this file that could theoretically hold twice as much 
data.  The backup process has been designed to copy every track in the file.  
Not knowing that each track in his file is only 50% full of data (inter-record 
gaps, inefficient block size, not enough data yet in the file to fill up each 
track completely, whatever), he runs a copy p!
  duct that can copy 100MB/sec.  and finds that it takes 200 seconds to copy 
his 10,000 MB of data stored in a 20,000 MB file.  He measures the elapsed time 
by looking at the start and end timestamp in his JES job log as any 
unsophisticated user would.  He wants to know why he is only getting 50MB/sec. 
of copy speed from his copy process that claims it can copy 100MB/sec from DASD 
to tape.
The worst case scenario is that the file is only allocated and has never been 
loaded with data.  In this case, the actual data transfer rate should be 0 
MB/secs., but it would still take 200 seconds to copy the file to tape.

Bill Fairchild

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On Behalf Of 
Ron Hawkins
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: megabytes per second


It can also depend on where you are measuring the throughput:

        Back end of the disk array - there is additional data to transfer due 
to the encapsulation of EBCDIV within SCSI FBA blocks
        FICON - It's a 10 bit byte, so divide the data rate by 8 bits. A 1Gb 
channel is 1000MB/10=100 GB (yes no little i)
        Tape Drive - whatever you get after ICRC
        Virtual Tape Drive - whatever you get after ICRC and De duplication

This could be a fun topic.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of Bill Fairchild
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 3:12 PM
Subject: [IBM-MAIN] megabytes per second

New thread.

What exactly does "MB/second mean when referring to how much data can
be copied from a DASD to a tape?

To be more precise, I am not interested in big MB vs. little mib, just
the philosophy.  Suppose I have a huge file on a "3390" virtual thing
and I
copy whole tracks to tape at the rate of 100 MB/sec.  Assume the
50,000 bytes instead of 56,664 to make the math easier.  Does 100 MB/sec.
mean that I am copying 2,000 tracks per second?  Maybe.  What if there
is nothing written on the tracks, but I don't know that until I read
them in
then write the contents?  Of course, there is always at least an R0 on
track, so they are not completely empty.  If all they have written on
R0, am I still transferring data at the rate of 100MB/sec?  If each
half full, would my effective data transfer rate be only 50 MB/sec?

Bill Fairchild

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
Behalf Of Alan Altmark
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 5:39 PM
Subject: Re: host codepge 0037 and the obscure "not sign"

On Tue, 13 Mar 2012 12:51:26 -0400, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
<>  wrote:
Is there any translation table in z/os 1.11 that translates the "NOT
SIGN" x'5F' to an ascii x'AC',

These is no ASCII 'AC'X; you really need to know what code pages
you're using to get a correct translation.

If you use UCS-2, the NOT SIGN is U+00AC.  But you're right, it isn't
ASCII, it's

TYPE U 2 B  (big endian Unicode)
TYPE U 2 L   (little endian Unicode)

Also look at SITE UCSHOSTCS.

Alan Altmark

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