On Thu, 29 Mar 2012 11:45:24 -0500, Mark Zelden <m...@mzelden.com> wrote:

>On Thu, 29 Mar 2012 11:36:46 -0500, Doug Henry <doug_he...@usbank.com> wrote:
>>They were wrong. The change was
>>" In z2 Mode, JES2 allows you to define up to 999,999 job numbers (expanding 
>>the limit from 65534)."
>That's what I thought to begin with.  But with Kees reply along with 3 
>off-list replies to me, I thought I couldn't see the forest through the trees.
>Or maybe we were talking about 2 different things.   I knew about the increase
>to 6 digits at the z2 level.
>I was also waiting for Kees or the OP to come back with a $DJOBDEF display
>that showed the 7 digits before I became impatient and tried changing it
>on my sandbox LPAR.
>BTW, the exits manual also documents this clearly:

 (Wow, that cut/past didn't come out well, did it.   Let's try that again with
plain ascii text:)

Allowing JES2 to use up to 999,999 job numbers requires that you "ACTIVATE" 
it to z2 Mode. Unless this activation is performed, JES2 operates in R4 Mode
with the job number limitations as follows:                                 
Note:  R4 Mode EQUATE names are in parentheses above.                       
After you have performed an ACTIVATE to z2 Mode, the new limits become those
listed in Table 21.                                                         
¦ Table 21. z2- and R4 mode comparisons - Field and control block        ¦  
¦           maximum limits                                               ¦  
¦ Initialization¦           R4 Mode          ¦          z2 Mode          ¦  
¦   Statement/  +----------------------------+---------------------------¦  
¦   Parameter   ¦  Maximum ¦      Equate     ¦ Maximum ¦      Equate     ¦  
¦ JOBDEF        ¦ 65,534   ¦ $MAXJQE_R4      ¦ 200,000 ¦ $MAXNJQE        ¦  
¦ JOBNUM=       ¦          ¦                 ¦         ¦                 ¦  
¦ JOBDEF RANGE= ¦ 65,534   ¦ $MAXJNM_R4      ¦ 999,999 ¦ $MAXJNUM        ¦  
¦ OUTDEF        ¦ 161,314  ¦ $MAXJOE_R4      ¦ 500,000 ¦ JOTMXJOE        ¦  
¦ JOENUM=       ¦          ¦                 ¦         ¦                 ¦  
¦ CKPTSPACE     ¦ 262,136  ¦ 4 * $MAXJQE_R4  ¦ 500,000 ¦ 2.5 * $MAXNJQE  ¦  
¦ BERTNUM =     ¦          ¦                 ¦         ¦                 ¦  
¦ SPOOLDEF      ¦ 9,935,680¦                 ¦ 16,581,1¦4$MAXTGS         ¦  
¦ TGSPACE=MAX   ¦          ¦                 ¦         ¦                 ¦  

Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS       
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://www.mzelden.com/mvsutil.html 
Systems Programming expert at http://expertanswercenter.techtarget.com/

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