On Thu, 7 Jun 2012 07:42:19 -0400 Peter Relson <rel...@us.ibm.com> wrote:

:>It is not necessary have a data set ENQ'd exclusive to delete a member, as 
:>evidenced by such functions as ISPF 3.1
:>There is a protocol for deleting members that applications such as ISPF 
:>use. I'm not positive just what that protocol is,  but it does not involve 
:>getting the data set ENQ exclusive.
:>On the other hand, FWIW, anyone who compresses using IEBCOPY with the data 
:>set allocated DISP=SHR (not an exclusive ENQ) as opposed to DISP=OLD is 
:>asking for trouble (and in many cases will indeed find trouble).

I thought there was a new abend for two jobs opening a pds for output at the
same time.

Binyamin Dissen <bdis...@dissensoftware.com>

Director, Dissen Software, Bar & Grill - Israel

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