On 2006-04-12 at 16:32, Ted MacNEIL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
to IBM-Main about "Re: Space in MB?":

> > give you the value in Kb (or KiBi for the purists)
> Actually on disk it's KB. In memory, it's KiBi. 

'cept that the quoted, help text says, "total amount of space (in 
kilobytes, k=1024 bytes)" -> KiBi  (and my purist joke attempt)

> (Also your replyto is set, so I had to over-ride to get to IBM-Main) 

ooops.  I read the news group for convenience (and 'cause the newly 
corporate-mandated Outlook can't properly handle Mime-Digests) but 
have to hand-craft my replies (too bad Pegasus doesn't do newsgroups) 
and missed that one.  It happens sometimes...   

---------->  signature = 6 lines follows <--------------
Neil Duffee, Joe SysProg, U d'Ottawa, Ottawa, Ont, Canada
telephone:1 613 562 5800 x4585                 fax:1 613 562 5161
mailto:NDuffee of uOttawa.ca     http:/ /aix1.uottawa.ca/ ~nduffee
"How *do* you plan for something like that?" Guardian Bob, Reboot
"For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism."
"Systems Programming: Guilty, until proven innocent" John Norgauer 

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