In a message dated 4/24/2006 4:05:12 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

>So far, it seems the only way to do that is to get the JFCB,  etc...

My first inclination was to answer the same way, since I did that  many 
decades ago.  But that approach may not work now for due  to the presence of 
newer components with which I have little (SMS)  or no (HFS) experience.

>But - Gil seemed to think that wasn't the best approach.
Could be.  My experience was during the Jurassic era.

>DYNALLOC looks like another possible answer, but how  expensive
>is that?
The expense is not in executing the DYNALLOC function.  The great  expense is 
in finding the IBM doc, then coding and debugging the convoluted  data 
structure which you have to feed to DYNALLOC.  I did that once long  ago, and 
it was 
not easy.  Basically you must first choose the exact JCL  parameters you 
would need in a batch job to use the file, then you convert  those same JCL 
parameters to their DYNALLOC equivalent.  I would try very  hard to use RDJFCB 

Bill  Fairchild

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