Bill Donnelly?
He occasionally gave executive briefings, and I saw him once at a GUIDE
or SHARE meeting.  A sharp dude who knew his stuff.  But he also
categorically stated that what the StorageTek guys were trying to do
with Iceberg was impossible.  Paraphrasing: "Believe me, there are big
problems with that technology, *hard* problems, that they can't

Depending on when he was speaking, he may have been right.  The "Iceberg" that 
shipped bore
almost no resemblance to the one StorageTek had preannounced just over two 
years before.
Somewhere in my offline archive I have the article, from Cumptergram in 1987.  
That had been a
pure controller - no on-board DASD  and there were serious doubts about the 
bandwidth of its
disk attachment.

And yes, there were several instances of massive data loss in the UK.  I also 
know of one
German company that returned several systems.

We really are  a long way from seeing this technology in classic processors.  
Small, custom
chips for very high bandwidth communication applications first.

  Phil Payne
  +44 7833 654 800

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