Thompson, Steve (SCI TW) wrote:
I was doing some work on an issue here and thought I read that as of
z/OS 1.7 you must clear R0 prior to a WTO and use CONNECT instead.

Did anyone else see that little comment somewhere or something like it?
I've searched every 1.7 PDF I have on my hard drive for z/OS 1.7 macros
and I can't find it, and yet my "tickler" notes from that evening about
a week ago...

Steve Thompson

Yes, I came across it last week. In

z/OS MVS Programming: Assembler Services Reference, Volume 2 (IARR2V-XCTLX), (pdf file name: iea2a961.pdf; IBM form number:
SA22-7607-09) on the write up for WTO, p. 825:

"Be aware of the following when coding the WTO macro:
* MCSFLAG=REG0 is not supported on z/OS V1R7 and higher.
* You should clear register zero.

I didn't follow up, as my need to use the macro in the moment
went away. But I remember being surprised.

Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock

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