
I need to have a batch RPG program (say A) call another batch RPG program
(say B) and be able to change program B and have program A execute using
the modified program B, without the need to re-compile/link-edit program A.

More specifically, the need is to have a common program, Y say, which will
need to be modified at some later stage. A considerable number of programs,
X1, X2, X3, ..., Xn, say, call program Y. When program Y changes, I do not
want to deal with re-compiling (or link-editing) programs X1, X2, X3, ...,
Xn. Their execution should transparently use the modified program Y.

Any ideas out there?

Please help.



PS. I had a similar question regarding PL/I programs the other day. The
answer was using the "FETCH" statement... What's the equivalent for RPG?

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