I'm reviewing our Workload Manager policy which hasn't really changed 
since we implemented Goal Mode with OS/390 and an S/390 2003-237.  
Granted, we haven't had many *real* problems over the years but ...

I'm trying to confirm my (lack of) understanding regarding the 
duration value for a Performance period and the Service Units/second 
I find in the RMF WLM report.  From what I read in the Planning: WLM 
manual, "Duration: Specifies the length of the period in service 
units."  Does that imply that the 750 specified for Period 1 duration 
equated to approx. 0.44 clock seconds with the 2003 (1724.7 SU/sec);  
exclusive of wait times, natch.  And, by extension, does that mean 
the period is now down to 0.11 clock seconds on our latest z/890 
(8084 SU/sec)?  The manual is not helpful neither can I find anything 
in the Systems Programmer's redbook.  Anybody with a better 
reference/guide they can point me too?

My concerns centre 'round two cases in our local environment.  1) TSO 
period 1 is 75% completion in 0.5 sec with a duration of 750 SU and 
period 2 has Velocity>15.  I'm worried that 750 SU is not really long 
enough for half-a-second duration ie. that tasks are dropping 
(almost) straight away into period 2.  I'll be researching that in 
the RMF report(s) later.

2) I'm looking to split a service class into two periods because it's 
exhibiting the classic 'valley' graph of response times ie. 90% of 
transactions are roughly split between bottom (0.5) and top (>4.0) 
buckets.  Its current definition is 50% complete in 1 second and I've 
got *one* 4hr sample of 65% at 0.5 sec and 27% at >4 sec.  It was 
suggested, during a course, that this implies multiple periods.  My 
direct problem is how to determine the duration value?

I'd happily receive pointers to online reading material.  Tks much.

ps.  I have yet to crack the RMF Report Analysis or Performance 
Management guides.  I'll get there eventually!  *grin*

---------->  signature = 6 lines follows <--------------
Neil Duffee, Joe SysProg, U d'Ottawa, Ottawa, Ont, Canada
telephone:1 613 562 5800 x4585                 fax:1 613 562 5161
mailto:NDuffee of uOttawa.ca     http:/ /aix1.uottawa.ca/ ~nduffee
"How *do* you plan for something like that?" Guardian Bob, Reboot
"For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism."
"Systems Programming: Guilty, until proven innocent" John Norgauer 

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