Edward Jaffe wrote:
John Eells wrote:
Paul Gilmartin wrote:
I.e. 32760. So I can equally well use BLKSIZE=0 for load module libraries as for other data sets. It matters little to me whether BLKSIZE gets set by SDB or by
the binder.

It gets set by the first program to open the data set. If that's always the Binder, it appears from your test that you get 32760.

Right. The only accurate SDB test occurs when using IEFBR14. Otherwise, results may vary depending on which program opens the file.

It's been a Long Time since we did the research into all this that led to changes in IBM's internal packaging rules and what happens in ServerPac JCL, but as I recall...somewhat hazily at this point...

Since IEFBR14 doesn't issue OPEN, I think the block size for an SDB RECFM=U data set that happens to be allocated to it remains indeterminate (perhaps set to zero in the F1DSCB), and won't change until a program that *does* issue OPEN against the data set has been run.

I can't recall for certain (and I don't have time to test it) but I seem to recall that IEBCOPY might use the input block size to set the output block size in this case. Paul's test with the Binder seems to show that it will set 32760, but unless everything is bound to load the data sets (including DLIBs), this does not cover all possible cases.

Since ServerPac loads data sets using IEBCOPY COPYMOD, setting the block size to 32760 explicitly when the data sets are defined causes IEBCOPY honor their block size, which always minimizes the space required for load modules (which in turn has some downstream potential performance benefit for Fetch processing depending on frequency of use, cache hit ratios, the phase of the moon, and so on).

I'd suggest the same for anyone loading system software with IEBCOPY: Use COPYMOD and a block size of 32760.

So far as I know nobody has done much to look at the potential benefits and downsides of using 32760 for application load libraries, so this recommendation extends only to system software at the moment.

John Eells
z/OS Technical Marketing
IBM Poughkeepsie

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