On 2007-05-13 18:00, Beat Gossweiler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote about 
'OUTPUT JCL: ' to IBM-Main:
> I would like to add a value passed by a symbolic variable to a pre-
> coded text enclosed in apostrophes in the TITLE= parameter of the
> OUTPUT JCL-Statement. The OUTPUT-Statement is contained in a procedure,
> the symbolic variable is to be passed by the caller of the procedure.
> The fixed part of the TITLE= text is only known within the procedure,
> the variable part of the text is only known by the caller of the proc. 
> I can concatenate a variable to a non-quoted text, but not to a quoted
> one. But i need to have characters within the fixed part of the text
> which require enclosure in apostrophes. 
> Does anybody have an idea how this could be achieved? 
> Example:  [snip]

Beat :  does this help?  It's not in a PROC but it does illustrate 
that you have to include the apostrophes within the variables to get 
the proper value for TITLE=.

//TOPIC    SET TOPIC='''Natural Web Services (DV) response times - '
//PERIOD   SET PERIOD='current day'''
//             FORMS=STD,   plain .txt attachment
//             NAME=&EDRESS,
//             ADDRESS=('[EMAIL PROTECTED]'),
//             TITLE=&TOPIC.&PERIOD

---------->  signature = 6 lines follows <--------------
Neil Duffee, Joe SysProg, U d'Ottawa, Ottawa, Ont, Canada
telephone:1 613 562 5800 x4585                 fax:1 613 562 5161
mailto:NDuffee of uOttawa.ca     http:/ /aix1.uottawa.ca/ ~nduffee
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"Systems Programming: Guilty, until proven innocent" John Norgauer 

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