There are a few. AutoMan is like that too.

On 5/24/07, John Mattson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

        I know it is against "policy" to praise rather than disparage, but
occasionally a software vendor comes up with an install that really works
quite nicely.  DTS SRS product is a good example. One
basic assumption is that you have the ability to FTP from your PC to your
mainframe.  You download their ZIP file to windows and unzip it.  Then you
create an MVS JOB card in a text file and then  run their FTPINST.BAT
passing it just 6 parms (see below).

rem *  A sample JOBCARD.TXT file:
rem *
rem *      //JOBNAME JOB REGION=1M,USER=userid,PASSWORD=password
rem *      /*ROUTE PRINT FETCH
rem *
rem *
rem *  After creating the jobcard.txt file, you can issue the ftpinst
rem *  command. This batch file has six positional parameters.
rem *
rem *     Parm 1 - HLQ of DTS distribution libraries. Note: This parameter

rem *              can contain multiple qualifiers (ie. VENDOR.DTS)
rem *     Parm 2 - IP address or Domain name of the MVS FTP Server
rem *     Parm 3 - TSO Userid for logon
rem *     Parm 4 - TSO Password for logon
rem *     Parm 5 - Volume name for new allocations
rem *     Parm 6 - Name and location of the member containing the JOB
rem *              card information (ie. c:\temp\jobcard.txt).
rem *
rem *  Sample execution:
rem *
rem *     ftpinst DTS USR1 PASS1 DTS001 JOBCARD.TXT

        From this information they create an FTP script and FTP the XMIT
files to your mainframe.  They generate MVS JOB JCL to expand (RECEIVE)
the XMIT files, and they FTP the jobs to the MF host and submit them to
JES.  At least in my shop it worked flawlessly.  I liked it so much, I
copied their BAT file and adapted it to other installs which are not so
        I do not see any Copyright notices on the scripts, but I am not
going to take a chance of irritating the vendor.  If anyone is interested
in seeing the whole thing, I will ask DTS if I can send you a copy of the
.BAT file.  Just drop me an eMail.  Or give DTS a call.

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