>>> Resource groups don't work, since everyone in the resource group
>>> capped by the one person hogging up the cpu. Using service class
>>> periods and bumping down to discretionary doesn't work, since even
>>> discretionary you can chew up a lot of cpu (we have lots of cpu in
>>> morning, but then we cap in the afternoon). We are trying to stop an
>>> individual from making our cap happen earlier in the day then we
> </snip>

>> Add another service class period with very low (or non-performing
>> to
>> the affected service class. When the user(s) reach the Service Unit
>> Limit and drop into the "last" period. Very little or no service will
>> consumed.

>No, this is the same situation as the OP describes for discretionary. If
>his cpu is empty, this group of jobs will still be allowed to consume
>lots of CPU.

Maybe I just don't get it, but one job can't simply "chew up all the CPU".
When the service class is interrupted, then the work will rotate between all
the competing tasks, so that enforcement of a cap doesn't unduly punish
anyone.  In addition, if the intent is to reduce the high water mark for
CPU, then why does it matter where the usage originates?  10 low usage jobs
vs 1 high usage job ... makes no sense.  If you cap a service level then you
will achieve your objective.  Any badly behaving unit of work needs to be
manually transferred to a different service class for special handling (or
it can be done through automation), but you can't be generic about it.


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