I have been reading the z/OS V1.7 to V1.9 Migration guide and though it states 
you do not need to remove IMBED, REPLCIATE or KEYRANGE.  It does mention that 
there is a performance issue by having them on your VSAM files.

I was wondering if anyone did an analysis to see what the buy back for VSAM 
response was if these are removed?  It would help me build a case to get the 
VSAM data sets reorged more quickly.  My VSAM seems to be strictly IMBED at 
this time.  I did not find any KEYRANGE or REPLICATE definitions.

Redefine existing VSAM data sets that contain the IMBED, REPLICATE, and 
KEYRANGE attributes 

Description: No supported release of z/OS honors the IMBED, REPLICATE, and 
KEYRANGE attributes for new VSAM data sets. In fact, using these attributes can 
waste DASD space and often degrades performance. Servicing these VSAM data sets 
has become increasingly difficult. In some cases, unplanned outages have 
occurred. For these reasons, IBM recommends that you stop using IMBED and 
REPLICATE, and that you minimize or eliminate your use of KEYRANGE. IMBED and 
REPLICATE were intended as performance improvements and have been obsoleted by 
newer, cached DASD devices. Striped data sets provide much better performance 
than KEYRANGE and should be viewed as a candidate for any existing KEYRANGE 
data sets.

Is the migration action required?
No, but recommended to avoid degraded performance and wasted DASD space.

Any comments are always welcomed.


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