On Tue, 2008-03-04 at 02:47 -0500, Jim Mulder wrote:
> > Is there any information about the solution? E.g. how many PAV's does
> > ASM reseve for the large pgds? 1 per nn slots?
>   Nothing has changed with regard to ASM's use of PAV. 

I had presumed this to be the case.
I wonder if customers will now be inclined to use "big" (as we currently
know it) volumes solely for one page dataset. Rather than perhaps having
separate datasets (each eligible for PAV exposures) from different
systems on a large (logical) volume. Means a lot less page datasets,
with significantly less PAV exposure count.
Let's hope they really don't do any paging.

Mmmmm - maybe that old seldom ending channel program wasn't such a bad
idea after all.

Shane ...

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