>Has anyone run across a software package that will successfully convert 
>Assembler code to working C or C++ code or, alternatively, allow Assembler 
>code to run in a server-based environment more or less as is (much like 
>MicroFocus does for COBOL code)?

>Thanks in advance - John Bachiochi

John, all

If you need the speed of native code and portability, then check out 
http://www.smltd.com/.  They offer mainframe assembler to C and COBOL.  
However any such conversion requires extensive testing and both the initial 
conversion and the support of the generated code my be expensive 
particularly if you are going to continue to maintain the origianl code also.

Another option to consider is to use the z390 portable mainframe assembler 
and emulator SOA approach.  The latest z390 v1.4.01 with z9 and z10 opcode 
support can run SOA services on any Windows or Linux server.  Client 
applications in any language running on a TCP/IP connected network can then 
invoke those z390 mainframe assembler services via TCP/IP sockets messaging.

There is a demo that installs with z390 that does the following:

1.  First the demo main program which calls two separate subroutines to 
perform 2 different integer and decimal floating point numeric calculation 
services can be assembled, linked, and executed using z390 standard static 
linking.  Run soa\demo\DEMOSTD.BAT on Windows or Linux.

2.  Second the same 3 demo source code programs can be automatically 
assembled and linked into an SOA application with the following generated 
executable components:

a.  DEMOMAIN.390 - executable application main client program linked with 
generated stub CSECT for each called service which dynamically links to client 
soa manager.

b.  DEMOCMGR.390 - generated client SOA manager for this application which 
packages service requests into TCP/IP socket messages, sends them to SOA 
service manager, waits for response, moves updated parameter field results 
back to original parameter areas, and returns to caller.

c.  DEMOSMGR.390 - generated service SOA manager for this application 
which can run on any Windows or Linux server on the TCP/IP netowrk and 
waits for TCP/IP socket connections, receives requests, loads service modules 
if not already loaded, calls service module, returns updated paramters to 

d.  DEMOSUB1.390 - subroutine 1 linked as separate loadable service.

e.  DEMOSUB2.390 - subroutine 2 linked as separate loadable service. 

3.  You can generate this demo SOA applicaton from the 3 source programs 
and a single SOA generator definition macro call which drives the macro driven 
generation process.   Once generated, you can run this demo on any 
combination of Windows and/or Linux client and server processors.  For 
example, you can start the DEMOSMGR.390 server program running on your 
Windows XP/Vista desktop and then run one or more copies of the client 
appication DEMOCMGR.390 on your wireless laptop on the same wireless router 
as your desktop to provide TCP/IP connectivity.  You can pick the port 
number you want to use at generation time.  Of course, you also can run both 
the server and the client on the same PC as well. 

For more details on this z390 SOA option visit the following page:


Don Higgins

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