Mark Jones wrote:
On Fri, 9 May 2008 13:06:08 -0700, Edward Jaffe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Are you able to use SSI function code 2 (CANCEL)? IEFSSCS has the SSOB

Yes I guess, but it isn't documented in the "MVS Using the Subsystem Interface" manual. I could try to figure it out based on similar SSI calls, but would rather use a documented interface.

I'll check into the SSOB mapping and see if I can figure it out.

Thanks for the idea.

I never really noticed, until you mentioned it, that SSI function code 2 (CANCEL) wasn't documented. In fact, I now see lots of ordinary, every-day SSI calls aren't in "Using the SSI". That's ridiculous.

Perhaps the authors of the book weren't particularly proud of the interfaces they neglected to mention. (A lot of it is pretty "gross".) Or maybe they only had so much time & money to devote. Or maybe they were just lazy.

In the old days, there was no book. The SSI documentation was the JES source code. And, for me it still is...

Edward E Jaffe
Phoenix Software International, Inc
5200 W Century Blvd, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90045
310-338-0400 x318

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